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vbAccelerator SGrid II Control Runtime Error 0 Run-time error '440': Automation error

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I may have solved the issue but posting this as a possible heads up for others so won't waste the hours I just did chasing down problems. Am using Win 7 64 bit.

Been using Malwarebytes (MB)for years with no problem.

Last night it did the latest Win 7 update or some windows update of some sort resulting it seems in two issues:

1) Not MB related but after hours of Google reserach it seems the latest Windows update, automatically and without warning or invitation installs bing both a toolbar, takes over your default home settings in both IE and FireFox Since this isn't mb related just say wasted hours chasing down various cures and of course the easy ones didn't work (does not show up in CP Programs so can uninstall, the config thing in FF did not clear it and would up being different things had to do with IE, then FF and reset up my usual 5 default home pages on FF and one I have to use IE for. Next the MB problem:

2) When rebooted after update MB said it hadn't checked for updates in x days (I thought I had it set up to auto check daily but it has done this before.)

When I run the update it gives the errors in the title. However, it was still running, in fact popup showed it was blocking stuff on incoming ports which it often does.. as its suppose to!

Researching I found this error has been common over the years with various simple to complex solutions. I am not a computer geek just want things to work and have far too much to do vs working out computer bugs for hours but had to tonight.

I found the 2009 post here about trying to reload various dll files. But that was pre Win 7 and didn't work.

I used the MB-clean uninstall tool recommended here and when I ran it gave me the SAME runtime error as in topic. But a few seconds after the runtime error said it removed MB and nicely asked if I wanted to reboot.

Rebooted, MB was gone, reinstalled, and SEEMS to be working fine again. Ran quick scan all clean and now doing deep scan.

I really did not want to do the setup new user account which is recommended since with my network and my luck that would just create more problems. But in my case so far that was not needed.

Hopefully this might help any others - not sure if the latest Win update broke MB but it is known it inserts bing if you EVER used any related programs like hotmail, chat or anything MS related even if uninstalled long ago Microsoft knows and insists on wiping your settings out with bing.

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Hello and :welcome:

Thanks for the info you posted. With this error most times a clean install of Malwarebytes fixes the problem. Using the mbam-clean tool you found was the best solution.....

Also another fix is located in the FAQ in Section A Issue #15 found HERE

Should you have other issues or questions don't hesitate to ask....

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