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Egg Zachary Disease

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>>A woman was very distraught at the fact that she had not had a date or

>> any sex in quite some time. She was afraid she might have something

>> wrong with her, so she decided to seek the medical expertise of a sex

>> therapist.

>> Her doctor recommended that she see the well known Chinese sex therapist

>> Dr. Chang.

>> So she went to see him. Upon entering the examination room Dr. Chang

>> said 'OK take off all your crose. ' The woman did as she was told.

>> 'Now get down and craw reery, reery fass to odderside of room.'

>> Again the woman did as she was instructed. Dr. Chang then said 'OK, now

>> craw reery, reery fass back to me.' So she did.

>> Dr.Chang shook his head slowly and said 'Your probrem velly bad.

>>You haf Egg Zachary disease. Worse case I ever see.

>>Dat why you not haf sex or

>> dates.'

>> Worried the woman asked anxiously 'Oh my God Dr.Chang what is Egg Zachary

>> Disease ?'

>> Dr. Chang sighed deeply and replied 'Egg Zachary Disease is when your

>> face look Egg Zachary like your arse.'

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That's a good one noknojon. :lol::lol:


Not everybody disliked it B) - Personal taste -

All the "jokes" here make fun of some situation or persons, including yours - Don't read the section if there are items in here that you do not like -


I assume All residents of the USA found this offensive (especially Southerners) -


Also as a (almost) 60 year old , should I find this offensive , or just laugh with it -

This topic is in very bad taste and shows disrespect toward (disabled and elderly) using this forum! - Ease up a bit -


You can be offensive to disabled and elderly ??

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Guest Code Hunter

This topic is in very bad taste and shows disrespect toward (disabled and elderly) using this forum! - Ease up a bit -


You can be offensive to disabled and elderly ??

There is nothing offensive in that post.

It was not making fun of the way someone speaks a language as your post does,

Since you have made a couple of negative comments on post or topics I have made recently I feel it would be in both of our best interest that I do not comment on your topics in the future and you make no comments on my topics or post..

~Das Ende~

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