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Help me, I have some problems with the preHJT instructions

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I read your reply, but need help with things..

First, my malwarebytes can't update; it says that it can't connect and check the firewall but my windows firewall is off. I think this is because i was so dumb as to download a Norton Internet Security 2009 demo and a weird pprogram to disable the trial. i don't think it was a crack because i dindnt need to replace anything, but i did it. i installed notron then it told me to restart so i did then when i came back, the norton cant open thouhg the processes are there.

I tried disabling the service in msconfig but when i do that, i can't connect to internet. i can't unistall norton eitheer because the program emessed up then untinstaller so it doesnt open eitehr.

I think norton is blocking mbam from updating?

Is there a manuall way to update my mbam? i tried both servers but it didn't work. :D

Please help me, i know im bad at spelling and grammar and punctuatuin, sorry.

Btw, i have trojan.agent and trojan.vundo (.h?) on my pc, when i try to quartaine it after a scan, my pc freezes.

And also, my pc freezes like every 10 minutes. I think my ISP is infected with vundo cause my freidns who use the same ISP also got infected. i got the infection when brwosing internet (wikipedia, nothing bad) on windows (i normally use mac) also, my advertising got hijacked by adv.net (b1.adv.net) and i keep getting popups from adv and mtn5.goole.ws even on my Mac. was it trojan.dnschange that is messing up my wifi or not?

Please help me, i beg you

PS I have a big collection of viruses, can i upload it for testing because other AVs detect them but mbam doesn't?

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As far as updating MBAM, you can download the definitions to install them manually here: http://www.gt500.org/malwarebytes/database.jsp although they may be slightly outdated as the definitions installer isn't updated as frequently as when using MBAM's internal updater. To remove Norton completely, you probably need to get the Norton removal tool from Symantec which you can download here: ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_...emoval_Tool.exe As far as your ISP goes, I higly doubt they are infected, but if you used some sort of crack to get Norton going it could have contained a trojan (they often do) and if you use any peer to peer filesharing programs like bittorrent or limewire for downloads, those are also likely targets. It is possible that some trojan got into one of your computers and changed your router's settings to hijack your browsing, but that will be determined once you get into the Malwarebyte's HijackThis forum. Good luck and safe surfing.

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