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GameFiesta Solitaire.lnk

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Hi-I am new to this Forum. Very impressed with the program and a long time IT person as well.

Ran a scan using another scanner (A Squared) and it told me that I have a issue with the link in the Title. It relates to Windows Solitaire's Desktop Icon which I set up from the Start Menu. This appears only on this machine. Meantime, malwarebytes does not detect this nor does SpybotS&D.

Questions: May I assume that the Heueristic nature of this scanner relates directly to its speed and the lack of a "Deep sscan" routine? Is it possible that the item found is an FP relating to one having visited a site not knowing this could become an issue? I must note the GameFiesta site is real, but I don't use it.

Final thoughts-the link is running just fine with other scanners. There are no Registry entries that relate to the site or link. HijackThis shows no entries either. Any ideas?

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  • Root Admin

I've not checked myself but I suppose it's possible that the site is on some list of sites that are suspected of rogue or deceptive practices, which may not be them directly but potentially ads that are on their system that do lead to such sites.

MBAM does not check for such issues, only local Malware on the system.

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Thanks for the quick reply. The problem apears to be local in nature. When running ASquared it will remove the Icon but nothing more. Keep in mind that Windows XP SP3 Solitaire is a stand alone program within the System32 folder. There is no separate Icon-it is generated for the Desktop when one sets that up under Start Menu or sends it from the application itself.

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Just doing a Google search of Game Fiesta brings up sites rated red by SiteAdvisor, that would be why A2 is removing it, it's malware related. Looks to be a toolbar involved too. http://research.sunbelt-software.com/threa...;threatid=43623


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Yes I am aware that this could be the issue. However, I do not have the toolbar or any references to GameFiesta in the Registry or elsewhere on the machine. What is really puzzling is that no other anti-malware program is detecting this. I have submitted the issue to A2 for them to figure out. I do like Malwarebytes a lot more for its speed and its resource usage.

Other readers and the author are welcome to reply.

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