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Help with Dell XPS M1530 Asap!


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my computer is still being slow and i need help to fix this problem

Hello Matt:

I didn't go through the previous thread with a fine toothed comb yet, but I did see you were running three anti-virus applications. Have you removed at least two of the three yet?

Your Internet Explorer was at version 7. Will you be updating to IE8 soon?

I noticed you were not running an up-to-date Java. Can you update that soon?

Do you remember what you were doing with the system just before it slowed down?

Do you have any full system backups from before your system slowed down?

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I updated to the newest Java and got Internet Explorer 8. Before my computer slowed down I had downloaded bittorrent software and a torrent. When I played the torrent, my computer slowed down drastically and programs became difficult to run/open. Using the internet as well as any other programs do not work well with one another and my computer slows down, usually to where I have to use a task manager to close one of them. I'm not sure what you mean by backups

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I updated to the newest Java and got Internet Explorer 8. Before my computer slowed down I had downloaded bittorrent software and a torrent. When I played the torrent, my computer slowed down drastically and programs became difficult to run/open. Using the internet as well as any other programs do not work well with one another and my computer slows down, usually to where I have to use a task manager to close one of them. I'm not sure what you mean by backups

Hello Matt:

I believe I noticed a very old Java, version 6 update 7. Please delete that for safety.

I also noticed Norton Security Scan. If that is still present, please uninstall.

What application did you run that was downloaded via Torrent?

Does your system launch Skype with every bootup? Your Skype is/was version 4 and it should have been updated to v5.1.0.112 recently. Please update it.

How much RAM is installed in your Dell system?

How do you connect to the Internet? Dial-up, DSL, broadband?

A full system backup is where you have a copy of your hard disk on separate media so that if something bad happens to your system, you can restore to that image. The following is more than you probably want to know about backups:


Thank you.

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Hello Matt:

I need to sleep and I may be a bit busy when I get up.

If any other forum members wish to contribute from this point, please step in.

You may wish to run DDS again and please attach both output report files in a reply.

Thank you.

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