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Explorer.exe won't start after running MalewareBytes


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Hi All,

I've been suffering from this issue for a couple days and have been entirely unable to figure out how to fix it.

I ran MB on Monday night and restarted my computer (It had taken care of 1 threat) and upon reboot explorer.exe will not start. Every other program seems fine (even memory hogs like Photoshop and video games). However, when trying to start explorer.exe through command prompt I get an error that says 'Program too big to fit in memory'.

Unfortunately, I (without knowing) didn't have system restore enabled, so I had no restore points to go back to.

I'm hoping someone will have some advice on how to solve this issue.

Thanks so much,


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Hi All,

I've been suffering from this issue for a couple days and have been entirely unable to figure out how to fix it.

I ran MB on Monday night and restarted my computer (It had taken care of 1 threat) and upon reboot explorer.exe will not start. Every other program seems fine (even memory hogs like Photoshop and video games). However, when trying to start explorer.exe through command prompt I get an error that says 'Program too big to fit in memory'.

Unfortunately, I (without knowing) didn't have system restore enabled, so I had no restore points to go back to.

I'm hoping someone will have some advice on how to solve this issue.

Thanks so much,


Sometimes explorer.exe refuses to start in Normal mode but depending on the situation it could start while in Safe Mode.

Try to start in Safe mode as shown here : http://www.computerhope.com/issues/chsafe.htm

Can you open mbam.exe in "C:\Program files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware" , go to "Logs" tab in the program , open the recent logs and paste them here so that we see what was removed by MBAM , just to have some idea.

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