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Error Code 701 (5,0)

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Hi Deekay and Welcome to Malwarebytes

What operating system is this on and what service pack level and is it 32 Bit or 64 Bit ?

Is this during the install or when trying to run it?

Does the system appear to have Malware on it already?

Hello and thank you.

I am using 32 bit windows xp home. When I attempt to install the program I now get error code 5 unable to install and unable to remove previous versions.

Service pack 3.

I am not sure if I have malware on the system but I suspect that I do have a little bit somewhere as IE will lag before connecting and this usuallly occurs when I have nasty bits of malware.

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  • Root Admin

Please try the fix posted here and let me know if it works.

Basically run this posted fix first and reboot/restart your computer, then UNINSTALL MBAM from the Control Panel, Add/Remove and reboot again.

Then download version 1.30 and try to install it again. Install Error

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  • Root Admin

Close ALL applications fist before running this task. This will automatically RESTART your computer and run a Disk Check on the system.

Click on START - RUN and Copy / Paste this into the box and click OK.


Then after the reboot...

Download and install this update from Microsoft to try and correct the SidebySide errors.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)

Then visit the Microsoft Windows Update site and scan for and install all Critical Updates

Warning! - If you do use the Custom Scan {which also includes the Critical Updates} then make sure you DO NOT install any Hardware Updates as they are often way out of date and the wrong drivers too often and can cause numerous issues with your system.

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  • Root Admin

If this update WILL NOT install then you can contact Microsoft and they will work with you to get it installed for FREE since it is a critical security issue is my understanding.


Though for some reason I'm unable to reach that site from here right now but it could be a local routing issue here from my ISP.

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  • Root Admin

Yes, but if you can't install a Microsoft update that could very well be why you can't install MBAM as well. Microsoft has many more resources and Engineers to assist you in repairing that portion of the system since it's their creation.

Once that is worked out hopefully MBAM will then be able to be installed.

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Ok, well after discovering that I would have to pay for microsoft support I decided to reinstall everything from the XP disk. After doing so I was then able to install Malwarebytes. To my suprise, on a fresh install it discovered Trojan.Agent!

Files Infected:

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\dat68.tmp (Trojan.Agent) -> No action taken.

I clicked the removal/quarantine button but I was wondering if I needed to remove any other files manually?

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  • Root Admin

No you shouldn't. The issue could be that your system is not up to date and is not using a firewall and potentially could have been compromised while installing.

You need to make sure you get Service Pack 3 installed. Turn on a firewall and get Antivirus software installed.

Then if anything is found by any of the AV or MBAM scanners you should follow the directions in the Pre-Hijackthis instructions at the top of the Hijackthis forum.

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  • Root Admin

Well not really. It is actually such a prevalent issue that Microsoft disables the network access inbound on Server 2003 until the system is updated.

Might be best to run through this just to make sure.

Please read and follow the instructions provided here: Pre- HJT Post Instructions

When ready please post your logs here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs

During this scan and cleanup process you should not install any other software unless requested to do so.

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