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What kind of pets do you have??

Guest garybear

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Now now Shy I would never want to harm a beloved fish, let alone eat him or her.

Actually I have never been fishing before but hopefully can get hubby to take me this year :) I tried to get him to take me last year but it didn't happen.

I do have two pairs of earrings that people call fishing lures though, LOL. The other pair is sparkly red.

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Your Timmy resembles our oldest cat (former house cat with very bad manners and now resides happily in our nice, warm shop, where he can hunt mice and roll in dirt to his heart's content). He's black and white, long haired, and he'll be 14 this fall. I guess 14 is pretty old already, but he's in very good condition yet.

Come to think of it, all our pets are getting on in years. The youngest is our rabbit, 8 years old. The housecat (found him as a badly injured abandoned kitten on the side of a highway in 2001) is 10, the dog is 13.


Your cat is gorgeous. And obviously owns the place, eh? :)

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Your Timmy resembles our oldest cat (former house cat with very bad manners and now resides happily in our nice, warm shop, where he can hunt mice and roll in dirt to his heart's content). He's black and white, long haired, and he'll be 14 this fall. I guess 14 is pretty old already, but he's in very good condition yet.

Timmy was a 1-person cat.. he tolerated everyone else but he really bonded with me.. I cried when he died; and I'm not that kind of guy except where animals are concerned. (I'm not a PETA, etc, nut; I just can't watch or read about animal cruelty - I can't even watch those adoption spiels on TV..) What's odd is it's only animals; feed a starving kid on 99 cents a day and I could care less.. Doesn't say much about my character, I guess.. :)


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Timmy was a 1-person cat.. he tolerated everyone else but he really bonded with me.. I cried when he died; and I'm not that kind of guy except where animals are concerned.

There's something about being chosen as a friend by an animal...I don't know, can't explain it, but it's kind of humbling, in a way, when they violate their primal instinct to get along with us and even choose to love us, even when we may not be particularly lovable.

P.S. I'm a bird watcher and a feeder of birds as well. And if they'll eat out of my hand, I'll let them. I once actually had a female pine grosbeak spend several minutes sitting on my hand while she ate sunflower seeds. Chickadees will often take seeds right out of my hand, but this grosbeak is a much larger bird and I was so surprised not only when she landed, but that she chose to stay a while.

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Guest garybear

Hello friends!!

Keep your reply's coming. I'm loving all this. Yes Amethst, Boots pretty much owns the place. She is a stray that came here and stayed after I feed her a piece of cheese, which she knows that word and several other words. I know she is a least 13 years old (91 cat years) so we probably won't have her that much longer. Hell I'm soon to be 73 human years old, so I probably won't last much longer either :)

I guess our staff members here on the forum don't have any pets, or maybe they are still ignoring me because I occasionally disagree with them.

They probably just don't have time for this frivolous chatter.

A little off topic, but maybe we should just close all forums except those that deal with Malware and false positives. That would cut down on spammers. If they register and don't post about having Malware in 24 hours, we just ban them :lol:

No more jokes or other questions. No more silly threads like this one.

Just a thought that entered my head while posting this reply and another reason why I get ignored :)

I love my friends.

Thanks friends!!

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Hello friends!!

Keep your reply's coming. I'm loving all this. Yes Amethst, Boots pretty much owns the place. She is a stray that came here and stayed after I feed her a piece of cheese, which she knows that word and several other words. I know she is a least 13 years old (91 cat years) so we probably won't have her that much longer. Hell I'm soon to be 73 human years old, so I probably won't last much longer either :)

I guess our staff members here on the forum don't have any pets, or maybe they are still ignoring me because I occasionally disagree with them.

They probably just don't have time for this frivolous chatter.

A little off topic, but maybe we should just close all forums except those that deal with Malware and false positives. That would cut down on spammers. If they register and don't post about having Malware in 24 hours, we just ban them :)

No more jokes or other questions. No more silly threads like this one.

Just a thought that entered my head while posting this reply and another reason why I get ignored :)

I love my friends.

Thanks friends!!


I think that's a bad idea in my opinion, I think everyone would go stark raving mad of reading malware threads, then created malware themselves because they went mad..

:) :) :lol::)

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I think that's a bad idea in my opinion, I think everyone would go stark raving mad of reading malware threads, then created malware themselves because they went mad..

:) :) :lol::)


Amen brother.. I love MBAMPro as a system tool and protector but I come to THIS Board System because of the friends I've met.. and the help I can give in several NON-technical forums.. I've been here almost a year and I've never had a Malware problem (knock on wood) but I *do* follow interesting threads in the Malware forums trying to increase my knowledge and to watch experts with the patience of saints deal with angry or hopeless or partially knowledgeable people that have problems.

I think Marcin has allowed these NON-business related forums (a GIFT on his part) so that experts and users alike can relax and discuss various topics of interest and laugh some of the stress away.. even fix a non-Malware computer problem and keep users up-to-date on news, software, etc, et al..

My opinion agrees with yours,


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Guest garybear

Amen brother.. I love MBAMPro as a system tool and protector but I come to THIS Board System because of the friends I've met.. and the help I can give in several NON-technical forums.. I've been here almost a year and I've never had a Malware problem (knock on wood) but I *do* follow interesting threads in the Malware forums trying to increase my knowledge and to watch experts with the patience of saints deal with angry or hopeless or partially knowledgeable people that have problems.

I think Marcin has allowed these NON-business related forums (a GIFT on his part) so that experts and users alike can relax and discuss various topics of interest and laugh some of the stress away.. even fix a non-Malware computer problem and keep users up-to-date on news, software, etc, et al..

My opinion agrees with yours,


Hello Shy and Coror I agree with your reply's 100%.

I was being felicitous with my reply. I try my best to loosen things up around here and get into trouble. There are to many big ego's and some thin skins that don't take criticism well. I'm not smart enough to have a ego :lol:

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@ Buttons:

Cute doggie. :) Shih Tzu's are very popular around here. There are so many people I know who have them, even farmers. They'll have their big outdoor dogs and then one or 2 Shih Tzu's as house dogs. They're nice tempered and apparently don't shed.

Now...as for the general discussions on this board...

I don't often feel knowledgeable enough to answer computer tech issues most of the time, so I don't. I am deathly afraid of being wrong and messing things up for someone. I do appreciate being able to ask questions here, though, because there isn't anyone I know in person that I can ask for computer related advice. There are many mature and experienced people here, and you're all a friendly bunch, so I think this is a good group to approach. Maybe some day when I have a Windows 7 system I can actually pay it forward. For now, it's Windows XP, and I'm still learning, even after 5 years.

I must confess, I do read the malware removal board for the sake of interest. I like to see how the experts handle malware (and I think these people are wonderful!). And it gives me hope that malware CAN be beaten! However, a person can get paranoid and scare themselves reading that board too much--and turn into a bit of a computer hypochondriac.

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Guest garybear

Hello friends!!

We are having a real good discussion on this thread but have a feeling well will soon be warned that we are off topic and the thread will be closed. I would really hate to see that happen, so please ;even though I'm enjoining this, lets get back to our pets. I take full responsibility for this going off topic. I will stay on topic .

Thanks friends for all your reply's to my thread.

I'm really enjoying all this and hope you are also.

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Guest garybear
A day in the life of my house.

BARK BARK BARK, ok, i'll let you out. BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK. OK, go to the toilet.



Now that's funny Conor and were are back on topic :) Mine is meeow meeow , but the same requests!! My unfavorite is when I have to clean Boot's rear end. It's not that often but that long hair causes some nasty problems and boy does it smell :) My wife holds her down and I get to do the wiping part. :)

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Yer I have the same problem with the chooks, why can't they just shoot it out on the ground, no it has to get caught in the bum-fluff and dry up there.

Whenever we have a back-yard party I have to clean them, ......can't we talk about malware!


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@ Buttons:

Cute doggie. :) Shih Tzu's are very popular around here. There are so many people I know who have them, even farmers. They'll have their big outdoor dogs and then one or 2 Shih Tzu's as house dogs. They're nice tempered and apparently don't shed.

heh thanks. When she's not getting in the trash or being annoying yes. :)


I'm all up for that, but that's not the topic. Doing so will get this closed. :)

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Guest garybear
Yer I have the same problem with the chooks, why can't they just shoot it out on the ground, no it has to get caught in the bum-fluff and dry up there.

Whenever we have a back-yard party I have to clean them, ......can't we talk about malware!


Hello friend!! They are very picky some times about staying on topic. If you want to talk malware, there are places to do that.

I never cleaned a chooks butt, but when I was a kid I got plenty of chicken poop on me. I lost my bubble gum in the chicken yard one time. I thought I found it 5 times!! :) :) :lol:

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Now now Shy I would never want to harm a beloved fish, let alone eat him or her.

Actually I have never been fishing before but hopefully can get hubby to take me this year :) I tried to get him to take me last year but it didn't happen.

I do have two pairs of earrings that people call fishing lures though, LOL. The other pair is sparkly red.

I fished a lot as a kid; spinning rod mostly.. After the military and freshly married, my father-in-law (long gone) had a cabin down in Conch Key in the Florida Keys with an old 28' wood hulled Chris-Craft and a big block Chevy V8 inboard cabin cruiser and we fished both sides; Atlantic as well as the gulf.. Someday, in the proper thread, I'll relate the full day adventure on MY *perfect* fishing trip while he still had the boat.. Used to take my son down with me some times to go out with his gramps. Geeze; now that I'm thinking about it, it's been almost 20 years since I last fished. Thanks for the reminder.. I have some very nice memories of those earlier days. *wink*

Add a spangle-flasher or two to those ear rings MT and you'll have a few nice lures, for sure. :)

Hope you get hubby to follow through this year.

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I have a Shih Tzu named Maggie. :)

I have so many pictures of pets but 98% of them have that eye-glow like your Maggie has.. The person that ever invents the human red-eye pre-flash equivalent for animal eyes will make a fortune.

Hmmm.. think I'll investigate that idea a bit more.. :)


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Guest garybear
I have so many pictures of pets but 98% of them have that eye-glow like your Maggie has.. The person that ever invents the human red-eye pre-flash equivalent for animal eyes will make a fortune.

Hmmm.. think I'll investigate that idea a bit more.. :)


Good luck on that my friend. If you come up with some thing , you owe me for giving you the idea :) :)

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