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MBAM vbalGrid WinXP

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I thought I was free from my Windows XP rogues and trojans. I appreciated Kenny94's coaching on how to remove System Tool, which was successful. Thanks Kenny - wherever you are!

The most recent problem was starting MBAM: Run time error 372. Failed to load vbalGrid from vbalgrid6.ocx. May be outdated. I searched the forum and see this can be fixed with mbam-clean.exe and reinstalling the latest MBAM which I will do. Some other programs, tho (Comodo), weren't operating and the whole system just seemed like error messages were flying everywhere (Ox800705aa, in Comodo = Ox80004002 - update failed, no such interface supported).

The strange thing was my toolbar at the bottom of the screen did not appear and I could not connect to the internet despite a coworker's wireless MAC successfully connecting using my wireless router (so the internet connection to my office is fine, it's the laptop settings failing). I have a sneaking suspicion that upon running StartUp lite and Secunia, maybe my settings were changed to be TOO simple. I reviewed the msconfig "startup" and "services" and see that everything as been disabled, and the enable button is greyed. Huh!? That might explain why Windows is so stripped down and not connecting. I see there is no way to uninstall StartUP lite and I'm not even sure that's the issue. I also tried to access a restore point under Windows security but it had been disabled, maybe by Comodo.

The moderators and experts of this forum deserve a special place in heaven, complete with an endless supply of drinks, pools, entertainment.

Just when I get this laptop running, maybe lighting will strike it and I can finally get a MAC.



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Hello.... Sorry to hear you are having issues.....

For your error of failed to load vbalGrid from vbalgrid6.ocx you can try the steps below:

FAQ Issue 17 located RIGHT HERE.

Lets see if we can get Malwarebytes loading first so we can do a quick scan and see if it finds anything.... Otherwise it is possible that you still have remnants of Malware still lurking in your system, if so I will direct you to the HJT section.

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