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suggestion for "Update Successful" Alert Box

The "OK" button when Malwarebyte update is successful  

8 members have voted

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Hello !

The product is very good.

I wanted to suggest a small enhancement. Perhaps many must have already

suggested it.

When we hit the update button, the latest update is downloaded; but the alert showing Successful Update remains on the screen .


IT stays there till "OK" button is clicked.

My suggestion is :

A timer - say 5 or 10 seconds - can be put in this Update Successsfull alert.


The timer will countdown till 0 and then the "Update Successsfull" alert vanishes.

The user will not have to wait to click for "OK" button and do other work.

It seems pretty ordinary enhancement but will save "A seemingly ordinary

Click" on the users' part but will be going more than visible :

# 1. Saves user's wait time to click OK on Successfull update Alert.

# 2. Latest protection immediately after the Successful Update.

# 3. More appreciation for MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware.

# 4. Perhaps few more registration.

# 5. But definitely a lot more disguised blessings from the registered and unregisterd users.

If the feature is in the Paid version, ordinary users can't help it.

Thanks for your Time and Patience,



Surender Singh Bisht

PS: I had to register here just for suggesting this suggestion

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