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Blocked IP

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Hello, just a quick question. I occasionally get a pop up from MBAM saying it has blocked something dodgy. What I can't understand, is it says the process is avwebgrd.exe, which is the webguard of Avira Premium. In Avira webguard logs, there are no blocks from Avira, that happen at the same time. Thank you very much

12:25:51 IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 62871, Process: avwebgrd.exe)

12:26:15 IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 62922, Process: avwebgrd.exe)

12:26:31 IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 62937, Process: avwebgrd.exe)

12:26:31 IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 62947, Process: avwebgrd.exe)

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Hello mikispiki:

One of the IPs is from Ukraine, apparently it seems Avaira is getting updates from there, however, Admins/Mods/Staff/Trusted Advisors please chime in for further varification

Thanks for the reply. I've accidently found a site, that produces such an alert , its the main site for anvir task manager, which produces IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 54281, Process: avwebgrd.exe)

However , if I turn the Aviar webguard off, I get IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 54330, Process: firefox.exe)

So i presume MBAM is just picking up Avira is processing the site, when it blocks, and firefox when the webguard is off. Kind of , sort of :rolleyes:

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along the same lines(?), mbam is blocking nearly everything related to torrents, incoming and outgoing.

this started with mbam's paid full version; i had no trouble with malware from any aspect of torrent culturte while using mbam's free version.

i don't see how to configure mbam to allow these torrent-related url's; the torrent content is adequately monitored by the torrent software (u-torrrent) and by avast, which performs flawlessly.

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