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My PC needs help!


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Hi there

My PC needs a doctor! Some of the symptoms are:

>When I boot up (and in other instances) my monitor goes off and on briefly

>Certain software is not installing properly / running properly e.g. Powerpoint

>Taking a long time to boot up

>The other day I had the "Blue screen of death" briefly on boot up

>It just feels slow and sluggish and "full up"

I think I'm probably punching above my weight...using softwares / programs that are a little too advanced for me!

I'm using Windows Vista, Office 2007 and...don't know what else is relevant.

Thanks for any help.

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Hi, i noticed that Advanced set up helped you recently and recommended some other software to possibly improve your security:

I think I'm probably punching above my weight...using softwares / programs that are a little too advanced for me!

I also noticed:

Quote: "I will continue to download software...I have AVG. Should I scan the files once downloaded with AVG? "

Although the above didn't seem to be installed at the time, and:

Quote: "the only problem is that I use a company Anti virus softwar (Sophos)"

What did you install from the list of recommendations? Which/How many Anti-virus programs are you using?

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Just to clarify...all the issues I had previously were solved on my work PC. I haven't actually installed any of the recommended softwares on my work PC as the problem was caused by my stupidity...shouldn't have tried to put software on it. The security software on there is sufficient. In the future I will simply not put software on there again.

However, my own PC is not happy and once it is happy (and this is the help I am asking for) I will definitely use the recommended softwares (don't think I have any viruses etc on home PC).

Also re the "using softwares too advanced for me", I meant applications really (e.g.streaming) not security software. Plus you know how a little info is often dangerous...well I sometimes attempt things which I'm not sure about (not Registry stuff!). Just a "have-a-go" policy. This is probably what's got me in this situation in the first place.

Just to say, I am using a version of Vista / Office 2007 that "my mate" put on for me. Not been quite the same since.

Thanks again

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Just to say, I am using a version of Vista / Office 2007 that "my mate" put on for me. Not been quite the same since.

I think you may need to clarify with your "mate" that the versions of Vista/office2007 he installed aren't cracked. That may be where your problems lie.

If not, and they are legal, i'd have to defer to someone else's knowledge on this, as it is likely beyond my knowledge.

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