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I seem to be infected


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I use SuperAntiSpyware and for the last month or so it detects a piece of spyware called TASKMANAGER.EXE. Initially I thought this was a false-positive, but upon a oogle search I did find out this is, in fact, a piece of spyware. Thing is, SAS can't get rid of it (it asks for a reboot but the spyware remains once again). How do I get rid of this? I've attached an image of the superantispyware screen showing the threat.


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Guest name cool

Probably is spyware. Scan with Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. Then, with beneficial use of this page


M' Anti-M Free use. XP SP 3


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I am running a duel boot with Windows and Ubuntu. Will this in any way impact on the use of the bootable scan disk?

No it should not. most likely the underlying OS on that boot disk is Linux. Just select the proper partition to scan. This is a screenshot of Kas 2009, the 2010 version may be slightly different.


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Cool I'm downloading it now.


I scanned with MBAM several times....nothing!

This piece of spyware seems to disguise itself as a windows process and SecurityTaskManaer requires you to pay for the full version to be able to scan system processes. I think I'll hold off and see if I can remove it irst without having to resort to payment. If all else fails, than I'll try it out

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This sounds like scareware, annoying and difficult but managable. Depending on the variety they rarely cause damage other that change internet protocols. I think this one is known as a root kit.

For the Microsoft limited but knowledgeable pc user 1. download (on another pc) rkill.exe .

2. Put rkill on a flash drive, also dl Avast freeware executable and install to the flash drive, get the updates as well.

3. Reboot to safemode, usually hitting f8 (repeatedly) as the boot screen starts. put in the flash drive.

4. Execute the rkill then the Avast.

5. Clean the cr*p off the hard drive.

6. Reboot and it should be good.

7. Save above tools to impress your friends then they get a similar infection. Don't forget to be dramatic when doing it for your gf.

I recommended Avast as it is specific for rootkits and scareware. I have used Malewarebytes in the past in the same way but it missed the one my son got on his PC recently. I dual boot XP and Win7 (plus Ubuntu) on mine.

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