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Well this is for the Pokemon Lover youtube accounts because you guys better watch out...

My friend just got hacked, here is his channel.


And if you see the url on the "website:" it leads to the hackers channel!


It says that he joined December 09, 2010 which was yesturday, and when my friend got hacked!

The hacker already has another target, so yea...

Anyways, how the hell is this guy hacking people's accounts!?!?!?!

And I know that my friend doesn't have a easy password.

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Not sure what really a Keylogger is but I know that its a type of malware so please give a summary on that.

And isn't that like a spyware.password?

And if so, how would the hacker get my friend to download something, and then yea...

yea its spyware

Keyloggers - These trojans monitor keystrokes and mouse movements, usually looking for and storing any passwords or access protocols that may be used by the computer owner to gain access to secure sites. They can be very sophisticated, and are quite capable of taking screen shots of things they are interested in. The logged information is then forwarded to the hacker in a "control center" where it can be used to rob people's bank accounts and credit cards, be used for identity theft, and a whole lot of other such crimes.

Keylogger and Backdoor trojans usually come as bundled as a single package.

his computer could have been infected and/or hacked or the site itself could have been hacked hard to tell these thing get very complicated very quick there are many ways to pull a hack like that off you should tell him to check his computer to see if the problem is on his end and have him post in the HJT forum, an Expert will gladly assist him :)

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yea its spyware

Keyloggers - These trojans monitor keystrokes and mouse movements, usually looking for and storing any passwords or access protocols that may be used by the computer owner to gain access to secure sites. They can be very sophisticated, and are quite capable of taking screen shots of things they are interested in. The logged information is then forwarded to the hacker in a "control center" where it can be used to rob people's bank accounts and credit cards, be used for identity theft, and a whole lot of other such crimes.

Keylogger and Backdoor trojans usually come as bundled as a single package.

his computer could have been infected and/or hacked or the site itself could have been hacked hard to tell these thing get very complicated very quick there are many ways to pull a hack like that off you should tell him to check his computer to see if the problem is on his end and have him post in the HJT forum, an Expert will gladly assist him :)

umm, he's 11 tooo, and he doesn't really care about viruses and he ain't gonna go through all the processes of removing malware.

And I don't think that it's a keylogger, since i hardly believe that conjobi guy would give my friend noah a keylogger!

He probably got his trust and got his password, but I'm not sure how Conjobi is gonna get other peoples...

Anyways, my friends account is ok, he got his account back, and his videos were not deleted!

The only thing changed was the password, which he got it back.

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