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It scans much faster as parts were completely rewritten. This has been verified that there is no loss in functionality and actually it is greatly improved at handling malware. Also if you scan once than rescan again during the same boot period it will be even faster than the first scan. All this is normal.

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It scans much faster as parts were completely rewritten. This has been verified that there is no loss in functionality and actually it is greatly improved at handling malware. Also if you scan once than rescan again during the same boot period it will be even faster than the first scan. All this is normal.

Thanks, I am use to the warm fuzzy I got from the old version, it took several minutes to scan. I am wary of scanners that are too fast.

The first quick scan was 1:35:00

The second quick scan was 00:35:00 (seconds)

A lot faster than v 1.49, it averaged 3 minutes on my system

They are giving new meaning to "quick"


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