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Error updating

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Noticed ove of those BS fake virus alert pop ups on a work computer (on access scan messages). Downloaded most recent MBAM and launched. When it tries to update, the following pops up

MBAM_ERROR_UPDATING (1029, 0, WinHttpSendRequest)

Funny the popup is now popping up much more frequently now that I am on this website and running the MBAM full scan. It is like it is PO'ed. Anyway, wondered if this was the malware blocking the update.

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The free version is not intended to be used on work computers.... You should have a corporate edition....

As a licensed corporate user, technician, reseller, affiliate or non-profit user you have access to the corporate helpdesk, contact them via the email address below.


They will assist you in this matter. Please provide your corporate license information when requesting help.

Please add the domains malwarebytes.org and salesforce.com to any spam filters or junk mail exclusion features in your email client to assure our replies get to you. Thank you

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