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Custom Scan


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1. It would be very useful if there were an option to scan only user-specified files both from GUI and using commandline option.

a. From GUI, the user could select multiple files to be scanned by holding the CTRL key.

b. For commandline, the user could specify the text file containing the pathnames of the files to be scanned on the commandline.

2. Currently, MBAM scans memory and registry BEFORE starting any (Quick or Full) scan.

There should be an option to disable memory (and registry scan?) before starting Custom Scan to make it faster.

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You can disable the registry and memory scans by accessing the Scanner Settings tab in the Settings tab :D.

I'll submit your other suggestions regarding custom scans to the developers for their review.


Would this setting apply to all future scans, including:

mbam.exe file_pathname


mbam.exe folder_pathname


Is there a corresponding commandline switch?

mbam.exe /quickscan /no_memcheck /no_regcheck file_pathname

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It would cover Quick and Full scans, but not Flash scans, which are only available in the paid version.

As for scanning individual files and folders, those scans don't check the registry or memory anyway unless the item(s) being scanned are running in memory at the time of the scan in which case it will detect the items' processes as well.

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