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Two computer issues

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I have a couple of computer concerns.


I removed Xubuntu from my Dual Boot xp pro system as I didn't use it, but I'm at a loss of how to reclaim all that unallocated space.

2. Superantispyware picked up malware.trace, but I'm pretty sure it's a FP. No signs of malware, but I did receive a message in Skype from some sick **** that freaked me out a bit. I've blocked 1 person in the past, but still seems your user name is publicly viewable. However, you're profile can be private.

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon#Taskman

I have TweakNowPowerPack 2010 which has some configuration which I'm assuming that could be from that.

Edit: ***** I found a contact request and blocked/reported him. That'll teach him. :)

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"but I did receive a message in Skype from some sick **** that freaked me out a bit."


one more reason i don't like skype .

and that language you used ... i am shocked !


as for the partition ...

i had to remove ubuntu from one of my dual boot machines ...

i have the instructions on reclaiming the space *somewhere* .

i'll look for it ... maybe one of the others here can provide a quicker answer .

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