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help! my own admin turned against me


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hi, well my computer is being very difficult. it started with my normal login acct... things stopped working on my desktop. i scanned with my webroot spysweeper and it found a trojan and malware, about 4 of them. now i cannot get into my normal user acct. the quest acct was working for about 4 days then as soon as i log in and let everything load, a bunch of errors pop up. once i close them all my comp restarts. i have tried over and over to download your malwarebytes program but it says i do not have rites. lol, after that i try to boot into safe mode. that actually worked for 2 days. now it restarts every time i try safe mode and safe mode with networking. As of right now, the only thing i can do is get on the internet by pressing f8 and starting up with networking conrollers only (domain...).

i have tried getting into my admin acct. I type the password and press enter. it makes the windows song and then freezes. stays there forever. So I have to press my power button and goto (networking controllers only), under f8 options.

one more note, when i click properties on MY COMPUTER it shows a "virus alert". ive tried many times to remove the viruses and reboot. now i cant even have access to the virus programs because i have no admin rites. lol.

ok, thats pretty much it! thanks for any help!

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Please see;


If the normal accounts are causing trouble, re-start the computer in Safe Mode, and follow the instructions in the thread referenced above.

To restart in Safe mode;

1. Re-start your computer

2. Continually tap F8 until the boot menu appears

3. Select Safe Mode with Networking

4. Select the main Administrator account

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i cannot do system restore from Safe Mode due to no privleges. I cannot get into safemode because it comes to a blue screen saying "video driver has failed to initialize". this goes for Safe Mode with Networking too. I cant download anything due to privlege restrictions. i cant get into my admin account because it freezes at the welcome screen. my guest account works, but only pages under my favorites menu load. At the moment i am using- Directory Service Restore Mode (Windows Domain Controllers Only), which currently lets me go to all sites fine.

Pretty frustraiting, im sorry. Thanks for your fast replies guys

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I don't suppose you can create a new admin account? Can you get to another PC download MBAM to a CD or floppy and install it? Do you have the install disks? It's looking like reformat time to me if none of those other things work. If you can access a working PC we might be able to get some tools on it that will at least give us a look at what you have and maybe even remove it. Try updating Spysweeper and scanning again too.

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other than my work desktop, no other pcs. thats ok, im actually in the process of ordering new computer parts for my new comp build. wanted to see if i could save this one. o well, thanks a lot for your help. this is a really nice site. im for sure going to download malewarebytes anti maleware and kaspersky on my new machine!

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