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My e-mail addy appears on a Google search regarding MBAM forums

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I e-mailed Marcin about this who referred me back to this forum. For obvious reasons I won't display my e-mail addy or the link to the Google search. In My Controls I have it set to hide my e-mail addy. Are members' personal information typically allowed to Googlebots? :blink:

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  • Root Admin

Only 2 I see from Google Search are:



You don't appear to have anything in your profile either, so unless you can send a PM (private message) with the link in question not much else we can even offer on this. In theory there is no way for it to get out there. But if you have local indexing applications on your box or Malware it's possible that private data went from private to public.

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  • Root Admin

Well if you notice the link is actually dead from Google.

How it even knows that much though is difficult to say. It could possibly be from the Analytics Analyzer. Google has been known to ignore requests not to cache and store data. I wish I had a good reason why or how Google even linked to it but it should not be able to get to your real information data. Doing that search on a few accounts that I know exist does not come back with any hits for them, only yours.

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You have misunderstood my problem. It is about a Google search of my e-mail addy. PM sent to AdvancedSetup w/ details.

No I didn't misunderstand. I wanted the link you got from the Google search.

I'm wondering if the bot got the info before you hid it? A fluke that it was crawling at the same time you registered. But since I don't know what your seeing in your search I really have no idea.

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