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*sigh* rogues


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Believe me, rogues are scary. You do not want them on your computer unless you know what you're doing.

But they never change! Sure, some block processes and take over the booting, but they always show the usual erroneous alerts, bad grammar, and fake scan results. The "Defragmenters" are heading away from that, but other than that, it is the same, especially with about two new Korean rogues coming out per week.

Maybe, if the con artists use their heads, they can actually create legitimate security software, make good money, and not break the law, while feeling a sense of pride.

Do you feel that sense of pride here, MBAM staff?

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Actually, I'm not. Working towards it, but a long way to go. :) Antispyware doesn't do anything other then mimic a real program. Most realistic fake security program I've seen.

It can infect computers with more malware (how ironic :) ) and steal information, especially if the person purchases the software. It can also destroy the computer by messing with core files.

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It can infect computers with more malware (how ironic :) ) and steal information, especially if the person purchases the software. It can also destroy the computer by messing with core files.

True. I haven't really tried that. :) I've booted a few times with Antispyware present and still had a healthy system(other then antispyware)running normally. :)

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... Antispyware doesn't do anything other then mimic a real program. Most realistic fake security program I've seen.

I'm suddenly reminded of a hilarious anti-virus from back in the day. It didn't actually do anything except sit in your System Tray and tell you that you're protected. That was the major advertising point, that it wouldn't interfere with anything, but it would give you that wonderful sense of security of having an anti-virus program watching over everything.

Oh, the fun we used to have back in those days. :)

(those days being long before I heard about Malwarebytes, BTW)

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I'm suddenly reminded of a hilarious anti-virus from back in the day. It didn't actually do anything except sit in your System Tray and tell you that you're protected. That was the major advertising point, that it wouldn't interfere with anything, but it would give you that wonderful sense of security of having an anti-virus program watching over everything.

Oh, the fun we used to have back in those days. :)

(those days being long before I heard about Malwarebytes, BTW)

Wow. Do you remember what program?

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