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Need Help Please

Dave J

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Can someone give me a simple and affective way to place files from a working external HDD enclosure (win XP ) to a new PC win 7 that does see the external HDD and its files. I thought I could use easy transfer, but Ii am told you need two workinjg PC's for that to work. any help is very much appreciated. I took the HDD from a laptop that Mobo crashed, and slipped it into an enclosure.

thank you in advance :(

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yes you have to put them in the right folders....

ONLY copy data, like my documents and pictures for example and copy them to the right location. Software needs to be installed in the new computer, you can not copy the software.

In windows xp the location was like: C:\documents and settings\USER

in windows 7 the location will be like c:\users\USER

as for outlook you need to copy the PST file (which contains all your email and contacts) from the XP computer. This Microsoft article may help you with this, it is located HERE

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