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Increase your upload size

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I have a killer malware application right here, but i cannot upload it, since its more then 750K. Can you please increase the upload size ?

This malware destroyed my pc, and i had to reinstall it. Only AVG could detect it. Other scanners like : McAfee, Symantec Endpoint, Sophos, AVIR, F-secure, Trend Micro, Panda and Bitdefender did not.

Also Anti malwarebytes DID NOT detect this file as a malware, but it sure is !

Please increase your upload size to at least 750K, and i will upload it immediately !

Thank You !

A registered 25 licences user. :angry:

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  • Root Admin

Hi Grizzly

Well I can't change the upload size myself but you could upload it to a place like www.rapidshare.com which is free and allows up to 200MB single file size uploads. Zip or Rar it and put a password on it. Then PM the link and password to nosirrah or one of the Mods and we'll get it to him.


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The forum you attempted to post in is not for random access. It is strictly for samples we find in HJT logs. The regular upload link is http://uploads.malwarebytes.org/ and is 2MB. I have a hard time with AVG finding it before MBAM. Not how it has worked in any logs I work.

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I have a killer malware application right here, but i cannot upload it, since its more then 750K. Can you please increase the upload size ?

This malware destroyed my pc, and i had to reinstall it. Only AVG could detect it. Other scanners like : McAfee, Symantec Endpoint, Sophos, AVIR, F-secure, Trend Micro, Panda and Bitdefender did not.

Also Anti malwarebytes DID NOT detect this file as a malware, but it sure is !

Please increase your upload size to at least 750K, and i will upload it immediately !

Thank You !

A registered 25 licences user. :angry:

Hi Grizzly,

If you will upload your file here: uploads.malwarebytes.org I can get a look at it. thanks

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Hi Grizzly

Well I can't change the upload size myself but you could upload it to a place like www.rapidshare.com which is free and allows up to 200MB single file size uploads. Zip or Rar it and put a password on it. Then PM the link and password to nosirrah or one of the Mods and we'll get it to him.


Hi. Here it is. The password = malware


Open with caution !


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I need malware , not more free software to install , sorry .

We have many researchers getting these samples as well , ALL of them use zip or rar for everything as these two are the accepted standards .

This is also the reason you could not attach this file directly , the extension is not one of the accepted standards .

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Thanks man. I'll get this processed.

Also, please have a look to this one. I've just received it from an ecard mail. It goes right thru AVG, McAfee, Norman and Kapersky. Only Bitdefender gives an alert.

Edited by JeanInMontana
remove malicious file
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  • Root Admin


Please refrain from insulting others as it will not help you to get assistance. On the contrary I think you will find that a negative attitude will often work against you.

I took the time and extracted your file and gave it to the coders to review already. The threat of posting live Malware links is that those users that are not knowledgeable might click on it and get infected.


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