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laptop corrupted

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Ok, my laptop got upgraded from Vista to Windows 7, and then somebody in my family screwed it up :welcome: . Here's the error code on startup.

BOOT MGR is compressed
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

Could someone tell me the instructions to fix this?

I was searching on Google and most people were saying something about you need your Windows 7 CD since you cannot access your desktop.

And is there any other solution available other than formatting because my brother won't give me the CD.

And tell me what caused this?

Most of my family members are going berserk on who, why, and what happened to the laptop! It wasn't me, but I think I know who it was. :lol:

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Hi IDK -

Here is one idea that might work -

It is basically a disc check with a few other items thrown in -

Use the first item to make sure you can get into the system -

Here is my Win 7 DskChk item if it helps also -

Run a Disk Check on your C: drive in Windows Vista or Windws 7: From Vista forum , but Windows 7 is the same -

This is for Vista but the same method is valid for Windows 7

How to Run Check Disk at Startup in Vista

Basically you need to start an Administrative/Elevated DOS prompt and the run


Tell it yes to run it on reboot and then reboot and let it check the drive.

Edited to upgrade to "elevated check disk item"

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