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Yea, I uninstalled avg and installed an activated version of a rogue to see what would happen.

It appears to be detected by windows security center as legit.

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Hi -

It looks exactly like mine - I have XP SP3 -

That is the shot from Control Panel > Windows Security Center -

The only word blacked out (by you) on mine says Microsoft - Is this what you need to know ??

Run MBAM scans to see if the Rogue is detected - Then just put it in Quarantine - It will stay there -


This area (above) is nowhere near 100% good at preventing Rogues - That is why we use MBAM with an A/V program -

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Hi - It looks exactly like mine - I have XP SP3 - That is the shot from Control Panel > Windows Security Center - The only word blacked out (by you) on mine says Microsoft - Is this what you need to know ?? Run MBAM scans to see if the Rogue is detected - Then just put it in Quarantine - It will stay there - EDIT - This area (above) is nowhere near 100% good at preventing Rogues - That is why we use MBAM with an A/V program -
the blanked out is the name of an activated version of a rogue av. i wonder if it could be exploiting the center. understand i uninstalled my real av and put this registered rogue in on purpose.(ya know most rogues ask you to activate before removing threats, thats what i mean by activate) if i run mbam it will find the fake av and i dont want that...yet
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I read the following :

"Also I'm not telling you what the rogue is cuz it's private. "


and I have to ask a few things of you.

When you withhold samples are you helping the many or are you helping the few/one? Before MBAM I was a malware hunter and out of the many 10s of thousands of samples I never once withheld a sample from any reputable research entity.

You sound like you are at a crossroads trying to ride the fence. If you want to commit to fighting the good fight it should be apparent in your actions.

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