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Rescue DisK?

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A friend got infected with a rogue several months ago. It would not permit him to download MBAM so I took a CD with MBAM exe on it, and was able to download and clean his system.

I read about rescue disks, and wonder if there is one by MBAM? Or is it a matter of taking the program on a disk and installing it on the infected computer?



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Hello Jerry

This has been a on going disscusion about a MBAM rescue disk but alas time and resources are being well spent on the main MBAM program. As you have experienced using the CD method and it works, might well continue this method. :D

Hi Sho-dan,

Thanks for the reply. Yes it worked, and maybe that is as good as anything.

I agree that time and resources are well spent on the main MBAM program. Essentially everyone that cleans computers uses it, and evidently as I did downloading to the infected computer from a disk. I believe MBA M will remain at the top for its intended use.



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