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Hi firstly i would like to say what a great site this is i only came across it by mistake and pleased i did.

Right heres my prob - i was loading windows xp on to my sons computer everything was going fine until the loading process got to 49 mins to go - when it stopped loading and a message appeared saying an error had ocurred and the file advapi32dll was missing either due to a damaged or dirty disc - please change or clean disc and continue. This i did and kept getting the same message on each time i re-tried to continue the loading.

So here i was in deep panic !!! anyway i managed to get a brand new xp disc and attempted to continue to load presuming it would automaticaly pick up the load where it had previously stopped at 49 mins to go - but alas no - i was in dire straights again as this time it opened up with a blue screen with the windows message saying unable to locate advapi32dll please download the file and try again ???

well what a dumb message as i cant download anything can i !! so here i am stuck with a com thats half loaded with win xp and showing the message i just told you ??

PLEASE anyone HELP ME lol - paul

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  • Root Admin

Is there data on the computer right now that you want or need to save?

What previous operating system was on it?

Was this an UPGRADE attempt from within a Windows operating system or a boot from CD new installation?

Is this a legal copy of Windows XP?

If there is no data that needs to be saved then I would remove all external devices such as printers, game controllers, etc.

Then boot to the CD again and don't choose to repair. Select new install and DELETE the current partition and then click on Install which will recreate the needed partition and format it for installation. DO NOT do this though if there is data on the drive that you want or need to save.


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Is there data on the computer right now that you want or need to save?

What previous operating system was on it?

Was this an UPGRADE attempt from within a Windows operating system or a boot from CD new installation?

Is this a legal copy of Windows XP?

If there is no data that needs to be saved then I would remove all external devices such as printers, game controllers, etc.

Then boot to the CD again and don't choose to repair. Select new install and DELETE the current partition and then click on Install which will recreate the needed partition and format it for installation. DO NOT do this though if there is data on the drive that you want or need to save.


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;) sorry about last reply i am still new to using the site.

Anyway thanks for your reply advancedsetup.

1: i was attempting to do a new instal with boot from cd

2: the previous on disc was same ie win xp

3:using genuine xp disc

4:i do not need to save anything

I have attempted to do what you suggested but when i insert xp disc set to boot from cd it goes as far as showing the windows xp page then goes blank and follows with a blue page saying error unable to locate file advap32.dll instalation cannot continue !

Does this mean that the hard drive is damaged ? as it was working al ok before i started to re-instal.

Is there a way i can get passed the blue screen notice ?

Look forward to your reply

Thanks paul

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  • Root Admin

It sounds like you're NOT booting from the CD.

Make sure you're booting from the CD. If it's a DELL you may need to press the F12 key to choose the boot menu, or DEL or F2 to go into the BIOS and set the "BOOT ORDER" so that the CD boots first before the hard drive.

Once you've booted from the CD it should load a bunch of files then it will get to a screen for installation, just hit the Enter key. Then you will need to press the F8 key to say okay to their licensing. Then from there you will have a Repair Screen. Press the ESCAPE KEY and it will go to another screen and from there you can choose to DELETE THE PARTITION by pressing the D key. Then select to INSTALL and as long as there is nothing wrong with the CD or the CD-ROM/DVD Drive it should start installing from the start again. Make sure you disconnect any external devices such as printers or cameras, etc.. before starting.

Give that a try and let me know how it goes.


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