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Errors when updating MB

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Hi all, I'm currently getting this error when I update.

MBAM_ERROR_UPDATING (12029, 0, WinHttpSendRequest)

I do have a proxy server that filters access to websites. It is impossible to gain access to websites if you are not using this proxy server. The proxy server uses a web address though instead of an IP.

The web address is something to this effect:


Now what I've tried is taking the proxy web address and puting it in just as it would be put into a web browser. Then when I update again I get another error:

MBAM_ERROR_UPDATING (87, 0, WinHttpOpen)

Then I keep getting that error even when I take the port out of the address and put it in the port area, and if i enable and use the correct username and password in either situation.

Does anyone have any ideas of what could be going on?

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Have you tried entering the proxy settings in the Malwarebytes Program.

Launch Malwarebytes

Click on the Settings Tab

In that screen Click on Updater Settings

Enter your proxy information

Yeah that's what I did that, I took the URL and put it in the proxy server entry and then I tried putting in the port seperatly as well, but I keep getting errors. I don't think that MalwareBytes is capable of setting proxy settings using scripts. Unfortunatly that's the only way our proxy works right now.

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