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A project and surprise for my wife


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Like mostly all ladies my wife loves her flowers and yard. As she must spend all her time in a wheelchair or scooter i wanted to brighten a day for her.

I had been eyeballing several big Cedars that blew down at the back of my property. Too costly to get them out of the swamp there and i hate the thought of using Cedar for fire wood as it is such a valuable wood! It burns quickly and is ok for early season fires.

So, after a few weeks of thinking on it i finally grabbed my two chainsaws, the little one for carving and the big one for cutoffs. This tree was lying on its branches and rootball so was 4 ft off the ground. Knowing i could not even drag the 200 lb piece the 100 ft through the swamp and heavy underbrush, i did most of the cutting right there which brought weight down to about half and was able to it drag to the quad and trailer, then finished by my shop where i had the tools. Wish i could have found my adze! I will find when i don't need it!

About 6 hours of work including clean up of the hollowed part, but i will do it different next time LOL!

Lined with poly because the fresh Cedar is so toxic to other plants. The bottom slopes to one end and the poly has holes in the bottom to allow draining, i bored a couple 1/2 inch holes in the bottom of the low end of the log also.

I cut a couple slices off the bigger end of the log for a stand and did a bit of a rough job of it.

Perhaps a mistake because several friends and family are hinting that they want one :D I have quite a few big Cedar trees down back there but not sure how long my back, shoulders, and arms will last! It was okay 20 years back when i worked building log houses but now........ :D

That is the upper pond behind it and i chose low growing flowers so the view is not restricted but heck the pond is overgrown anyway and i have been too lazy to clean it up.


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Like mostly all ladies my wife loves her flowers and yard. As she must spend all her time in a wheelchair or scooter i wanted to brighten a day for her. [...] That is the upper pond behind it and i chose low growing flowers so the view is not restricted but heck the pond is overgrown anyway and i have been too lazy to clean it up.


Darn Wayne; you do GREAT work.. It's beautimous.. Ummm.. Speaking of hiints; my wife sure is admiring your wood work.. *hint* *hint* (Whaddaya'figure; $2800US for UPS from your place to mine??) :P:D

VERY nice, my friend.. VERY nice, indeed!


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HAHA! Yep the "postage" would be hefty! I wish you lived close Steve, i would build one for your lady and you for free, well it might cost ya a few adult beverages :D

Thank you so much for the kind words!


The kind words were well-earned, my friend. Is Jack Daniels adult enough? Or did you mean diet soda over the sugar soda-pop? :P Yeah; sure would be nice to be in BC.. Man it's been hot here on the mid-Florida, gulf coast, but I guess New York city is taking the heat trophies this week.


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Thank you Ron and catscomputer :P

Steve i am only capable of about 2 adult beverages as i am a spectacularly unsuccessful drinker, you would get off real cheap.

We have the heat now the past couple days, late 80's to mid 90's. A bit uncommon for us but no high humidity, i still hate it through.


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Very creative indeed :D

Question: due to the watering of the plants and conditions outside, do you think the wood could rot?

The wood is Western Red Cedar which is very resistant to rotting. The oils from Cedar also repel insects but can be toxic to other plants, particularly if it is freshly cut,

therefore i lined the inside of the planter with poly, cut slits in bottom of poly for draining and drilled holes in the sloped bottom of the planter.

Thanks :P

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