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Average duration of a scan. What is "normal" ?

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I'm french, please forgive my english...

My config => XP Home 32 bits + CPU Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 @ 2,4GHz, 3,0GB RAM.

- Before, with the 1.44 and 1.45 version, a complete scan of 178 000 "elements" on my pc took 25 minutes.

- Now, with the 1.46 version, the same number of elements (178 000) are scanned in only 12 minutes !

Maybe could you give me an explanation about that difference ?

Thanks a lot for your explanation ?

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Hello and :welcome:

Those are good times on an XP system.....

The scan engine was improved in version 1.46 so that probably explains the improvement you your scan times. Also when they recompact the database (rules file) you will also get faster times.

Hope that answers your question.

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