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I got a fright.

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I ran MBAM this morning and this happened.

Memory Processes Infected: 0

Memory Modules Infected: 0

Registry Keys Infected: 24

Registry Values Infected: 0

Registry Data Items Infected: 0

Folders Infected: 18

Files Infected: 270

That filled my pants, until the scan was finished, and I saw it was just Videoegg, which I need for my Bebo. :angry:

My point being, if I have one, how bad is VE?

I looked it up, and without even entering their homepage I saw the word "Ad", but I have never actually had an advert show up.

p.s I sent an email off to be Bebo asking why they insist on the use of adware. I doubt I will get a reply.

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Originally known for its in-video overlay ads, VideoEgg now derives fully half of its business from ad representation in apps, CMO Troy Young told ClickZ in January. He said the company earns gross revenue of approximately $1 million a month from its app-based media sales, totaling $1.5 million in total payouts to app owners.

VideoEgg will roll out AdFrames across its network in the coming weeks.

Launch partner Microsoft is using the offering to promote its Office 2007 suite using a long-form video starring comedienne Amy Sedaris.


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To add a video onto your Bebo page, you have to install Videoegg. Other than that, it's not used for anything else.

The strange thing is, when a video is run on a Bebo page, there are no ads added in, so Im not clear at what point they are making revenue (in this circumstance, obviously they make it elsewhere)

Im waiting to see if Bebo get back to me, to see what their answer is, maybe they have an ad-free agreement. :angry:

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I was asked to add this , if it were up to me I would leave all of these on the edge adwares to spybot and the like .

Could a feature be added that allows us to select certain products to be excluded from a scan?

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With the Pro version, an alert did pop up about Videoegg, which I had MBAM ignore. So no action was taken. It was the amount of infected objects found during scanning that gave me the worry, as I had no idea what they were ntil the scan was complete and the log was produced.

(MBAM's not mine :angry: )

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Im not sure when but at some point we will have a default unchecked PUP category .

I've been thinking of asking for something like that. Of course, what I really want is something a lot more advanced than just scanning for and removing PUPs. I want real-time protection against them installing, with a customizeable list of what to keep off of a protected computer. It'd be nice to see things like the Google and Yahoo toolbars not creep their way onto everyone's computers...

Obviously I doubt I'll see anything like that in MBAM though. Google and Yahoo would have a field day with that one...

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