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Computer locks up

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I installed the full version of Malwarebytes,when i log out and try to log in again, the computer freezes up on the destop,i have to shut don the computer by holding in the start button. Ihave to log back in useing safe mode and fully remove MB with Revo uninstaller.I set this program to run without the firewall to block it. Something is causeing a conflict with this program only when full time protection is activated.

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Hello steveoreno88, and welcome to the forums at Malwarebytes.org :)

What anti-virus software are you running? I suspect that this may be the cause of your lock-up.

As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page.

Thank you :)

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Thank you Steve :)

Please exclude Malwarebytes from Trend Micro as outlined here:


And let me know if that does the trick for you :)

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