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Setting up a VM and then finding some of the malicious products in the wild would probably be your best bet, unless you have a disposable system around that you can temporarily install an OS on and test openly, with the full knowledge that you'll be formatting it and getting rid of the malicious files you encountered.

I am sure that Bruce will have a more apt (and specific) method of giving you test procedures for testing Malware.

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ahh, testing the protection module prior to purchasing it - sorta like the trials you were discussing....


Kind of. Although, sa I've said in another thread, I purchased AM yesterday. So this would be more like self-assurance.

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See, I thought you had already purchased it - so in effect, what you want is to actually test it against known malware, right?

No, not quite. I guess I'm looking for something that might not exist. AVs have the eicar test file, in many form too so that the user can see that not only was the .com file detected but so was the .zip file and the .zip2 file. Someething like that would be nice, if indeed it exists, to where AM could showoff.

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