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Wifi performance need help


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I'll try to make this as easy as I can. I am running XP Home on a Gateway portable, the portable has a Intel Pro wireless card inside ... a few days ago I got hit with a trojan XP Antivirus 2010 or something close to that. I have used malwarebytes, Avast, Symantic antivirus corporate and Spysweeper and it looks like I"ve got rid of the trojan as far as I can see....

I've read here on the forums and taken all the tips I can to clean up the pc but I'm having one issue allso.

In using my internal wifi card my performance is half of what it use to be, we have a 10mb line but it actually gets me anyware from 12mb to 15 mb depending on the time of day (charter cable) since I got hit with this trojan on the internal card I am cut down to 5.8mb max no matter what speedtest use. My up speed is fine and is 2 MB.

Now in my house I have 2 routers (always have I guess it is a router and AP) and both have worked fine and given me my full speed. all the other computers including my wifes portable with Wifi is all working fine.

Now not to confuse the issue, but if I put in my external Dlink card I am getting full speed when I go to the AP (ATT 108mb) but when i go to my main router motorola router that is tied directly to my modem I get the same speed reduction to 5.8mb. So, It seems like my home set up is good, working with all the other PC's it is my notebook that is affectted ... I also find that I keep loosing connection to the AP way to much... it drops and then picks up again.

So, I am wondering if anyone here can help me try to figure this out, it's got me stumped for sure. I can post HJ log if need be



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