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Trial version with guard?

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I remember a while back hearing that maybe there would be a trial version of MBAM with the guard for those who wished to try this.

Is there any plans in the future of maybe having this.

Some members of another security forum (Wilders) are interested in MBAM but like the idea of trying the guard out for them selfs.

Just curious as I remember this being discussed before.

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Oh, well I need to make some changes then.

@ LoneWolf, I can't access my site to see what your link is. I'm getting

Server not found

Firefox can't find the server at www.montanamenagerie.org.

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ww.example.com instead of


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that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

With all links, including the toolkit.

I am an affiliate for MBAM and RRP so if that is where the link goes, it would be pay versions. I do have it listed in the Must Haves section also. I spam my own site with Malwarebytes. :P

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Any customers you send via RegNow links will embed your affiliate ID into the program thus allowing you to receive commission.

Yes I know, but it's a bit misleading to tell them they are getting a trial of what they would buy when they really aren't. I have mixed feelings on that. It could compromise the integrity of the program as well as my own. I think I will change it to a "buy" link and if I have helped them in the HJT forum they already have the free version. I'm glad this came up though as I had no idea that is how it's set up.

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While it is a bummer that there is no trial for on-access scanning with AM, what I would consider a greater disturbance is the backlash against AM that this is creating. There are threads at Wilders (such as this one) about this where people say they won't even consider AM because of this. Personally, I think it should have been implemented from the start, as is most always the case.

Still, I bought AM yesterday mainly because I think it important to show a little faith.

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