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Will a paid version of Malwarebytes stop spam e-mails or just scan them?

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Does a paid version of Malwarebytes scan e-mails?

I recently am getting 3000 spam e-mails , mostly drugs, a day. THey go into my junk e-mail folder, however, I have to look at them b/c some good stuff is in there. I used to get only about 200 or so a day. I had Lavasoft scanning my computer in the backgrouond until 2/13, and wanted to buy Malwarebytes, but wanted to see if it will get rid of my enormous amount of spam e-mails.

I deleted history, etc, did a disk cleanup, but there are more each day.

Will a paid version of malwarebytes stop these from getting to outlook OR just look at them for spyware?


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THanks, I tried writing a rule but it does not seam to run all the time; if I run it manually it does it.

THis just started and is exclating. I don't go on these sites except for Medco and Express Scripts which are my sendout pharma stuff I take.

No, MBAM won't stop the spam your getting. Wow, 3000 a day is alot alright. You might try this program:


They have a 30 free trial, it does a great job, Leo Laporte has recommended this also....

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I tried it and it only picks up about 10%, sorry, the rest stay in my junk e-mail folder. I am glad that they have a trial version :D

I would like to make a macro in Outlook to click on to run, that gets rid,or at least deletes most of them

ty, I will try it
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Okay, which one did you try? If you tried that Mailwasher program it has to "learn" which e-mail are spam. You have to teach it.

The one I suggested you don't have to do that, it stops it on their end, there is no learning curve...

I tried it and it only picks up about 10%, sorry, the rest stay in my junk e-mail folder. I am glad that they have a trial version :D

I would like to make a macro in Outlook to click on to run, that gets rid,or at least deletes most of them

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