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Flash Video Problems

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Alright so I guess some quick system specs would be in order:

OS: Win 7 Home Premium

Ram: 2GB

Processor: AMD Sempron SI-42

Malwarebytes Version: 1.44

Malwarebytes ID: 4PV38-G74GV


The IP Protection module drastically reduces the quality of the playing of flash videos. It is not site specific and affects everything from Youtube to those custom flash video players that you can find everywhere. The play back becomes extremely slow and choppy and it literally will make the sound slow and metallic. It also affects the speed of buffering on the video.

The only workaround that I can find seems to be disabling the IP Protection. This is however not recommended and I'd love it if there was an option for it to (if possible) have an option that will ask me if I want to disable protection from a certain website or even disable protection of certain streaming elements from a website (*.flvs for instance).

I hope I'm making sense and don't sound stupid. I do love the software and hope maybe this recommendation could be given some serious consideration.

Thank you!


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