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Scanning E:\ Drive?


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Hi DOB :)

Oh, okay. I had been under the impression that you were still experiencing weekly detections of Trojans in your Malwarebytes scans. I apologize for the misunderstanding. If this is not still the case, that's good :) Probably a very silly question, but are you making sure to update Malwarebytes prior to your scans?

As for quarantine, the reason items are kept in quarantine (and most if not all AV programs have this feature as well, or at least something similar that serves the same purpose) just in case of the rare event of a False Positive so that you can restore something if you do get a false positive. Generally speaking, if after removal your computer as been working fine with no errors and/or programs working fine, its fine to delete the items from quarantine after a week or two.

The only way for an item in quarantine to get restored is if you (or someone else who uses your computer) restores them - they cannot be accidentally restored, unless you or someone else using your computer accidentally restores them.

As for the quotes, just follow what noknojon said - copy paste and place

[/quote ] around it. (No spaces of course).

I only do it if I am replying to a long post or reply to a post and there are a few things I want to make sure are seen and addressed. Otherwise, I just answer them in the order asked/order they are presented in the post. I don't often quote what people said - its generally unnecessary but does have its uses sometimes :)

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Hi Mountaintree16,

Probably a very silly question, but are you making sure to update Malwarebytes prior to your scans?

Well, I am doing those daily automatic updates, is this what you mean? Actually, since purchaging Malwarebytes real time module a few days ago, I haven't done any scans, but should I? I usually only perform scans after an attack, in order to find the Trojan or malware and remove it immediately with the scanner, otherwise if I am not attacked, I assume all is well...no need to scan. Anyway, I recently tried updating Malwarebytes, but it said that I already had the latest January update? Are you referring to these type of updates or something else?

As for quarantine, the reason items are kept in quarantine (and most if not all AV programs have this feature as well, or at least something similar that serves the same purpose) just in case of the rare event of a False Positive so that you can restore something if you do get a false positive

This is something I still need to learn more about...can you please tell me specifically what a false positive is and how will I know when I see it? Otherwise, I agree with you, I was also only deleting the malware from my quarantine after about a week or so. I just didn't want to even see it anymore, so after a week or so, I would delete it for good.

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I just read your reply - very late or perhaps, very early here, so I need to go now, but, I will reply to you tomorrow :) Just wanted to let you know that I will be back for sure :) Just can't reply right now.

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Well, I am doing those daily automatic updates, is this what you mean? Actually, since purchaging Malwarebytes real time module a few days ago, I haven't done any scans, but should I?

Please see enclosed picture of the way I have Malwarebytes (MBAM) Protection set up.

This will update MBAM definitions at 5:00am every day that the system is powered on because it will start with Windows then schedule a Quick scan at 5:00am that usually starts at 5:05am minimized to the Taskbar.

Hi Noknojon, I hope I did this correctly? :)

Thanks for the information anyway!

Yes you did the Quote correctly :)

I recently tried updating Malwarebytes, but it said that I already had the latest January update? Are you referring to these type of updates or something else?

There are 2 types of updates delivered where the first is the Database version updates that need to be updated at least daily and there are MBAM application updates that occur whenever MBAM is updated whenever a new version comes out.

Please read about false positive Synonyms: False alarm


As all anti virus and anti malware applications have the occasional false positive it is best to check Malwarebytes Forum > Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Support > False Positives area first for similar reports.

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I apologize for the later response.

Yes, you should do some scans even with realtime protection on :) I recommend at least once a week. I do it daily, or once a day when my computer is on (I don't necessarily use it daily). I figure why not since its so quick :)

Hmm. In regards to the date staying the same when you update... are you updating your Malwarebytes on an Administrator account or as an administrator?

A false positive is a detection of malware/virus that is found by a scanner (Mbam, AVG, Avira, etc...) that is really not an infection. It could be a system file accidentally detected, a file that a user put in an inappropriate location (such as the root folder) that they should move or get used to the hit on the scanner, or any file that's accidentally picked up. Sometimes there's a mistake in the database, for a few reasons. I don't totally know and understand them all, I just know that they happen.

That's why its always best to review your results before hitting quarantine. If something looks like it shouldn't have been hit, report it to have it checked. False positives are rare but they do happen. As for knowing, its kind of a gut feeling sometimes, file names, etc. Like I said though, I don't know tooo much about it, but its always good to review your results.

Again, if you are unsure, report it.

I think YoKenny1 covered the rest :)

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Hi Mountaintree16,

Thanks for the information, and there is no need to apologize whatsoever...whenever you have the time to send a reply is perfectly fine. I am not always at my computer either...sometimes I can only check my messages or forums in the morning and at night.

Anyway, this morning when I hit the power button to start my HP laptop computer up (I usually turn it off every night and restart it in morning...I don't leave my computer on all night), I had some trouble starting up (my Yahoo Messenger wasn't signing in smoothly, etc) and after a few minutes of trying to get on Yahoo, I received this DrWatson PostMortem Debugger message, you know, it looks exactly like those Internet Explorer Microsoft Reports that say, "Send Error Report" or "Don't Send" below...

Question - I tried finding out about this DrWatson thing on the web and I think it is a legit program from Windows actually, and is not a virus or Malware...could anyone please tell me if this true? At first, I didn't realize that it said DrWatson on top, I thought it said the usual Internet Explorer, so I hit the "Don't Send Report" at the bottom, then realized I might have fallen into a malware trap?

Anyway, is this something I need to worry about? I've so far ran a scan of my D:\ Drive and I am in the middle of a Quick Scan now, but so far it's showing no infected objects/files.



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Hmm, well, have you ever seen a message like the DrWatson thing before? I am doing some Scroogling (www.scroogle.org/scrapen8.html) (I use Scroogle for most of my searching needs now instead of Google) and I am finding similar things... its hard to tell how legit it is... I did find a HJT log on GeeksToGo.com, which is a website for helping people with computers and malware removal and the like. DrWatson does seem as though it is more likely than not legit, though.

Honestly I don't know. Unfortunately I don't know a whole lot yet, but I am learning, and I hope to know a lot more as time goes on.

Please start NEW TOPIC here:


With your DrWatson issue so that someone can help you with it.

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With your DrWatson issue so that someone can help you with it.

Where have I heard that before? It sounds like an old infection I had. The most remembered one was the old 2006 rogue Spymaxx I had. Spybot picked up as a Smitfruad variant. The thing it did was fake a security message and try to get me to purchase it.

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Read here:

Description of the Dr. Watson for Windows (Drwtsn32.exe) Tool


Start a new topic in Malwarebytes Forum > Computer Help > PC Help like mountaintree16 indicates but I think you are going to need the help of an Expert as you seem to be having a problem with your system that is causing this error notification.

It would be good to go to My Controls then > Edit Signature then add information like CPU type and speed, RAM amount, operating system and Service Pack level and other system information like my signature so that the helpers can offer you pertinent advice without having to post everytime.

Belarc Advisor can provide all this information:


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Hi YoKenny1 & Mountaintree16,

Thanks again for the reply, I really do appreciate all the help. As of now though, I don't think I have a "DrWatson" issue that needs to be looked at and addressed (hopefully it was a one time thing), but if this error message happens again, I will direct this issue to one of the Malwarebytes helpers or experts. Fortunately, this "DrWatson" message seems to be a part of Windows XP (which I have), so I don't think it's a virus or malware at all. I think what may have caused it was that my computer just wasn't starting up quickly or smoothly this morning, and I might have made things worse by trying to hit some keys and force things along, when maybe I shouldn't have.

As for posting on Malwarebytes forums, they are a little overwhelming to someone like me (who is new to all this)...there are literally so many different forums here, that sometimes, I am not sure which ones to post under (they can be a little confusing)? The next time though, if I feel that I have a serious computer issue that needs addressing, I will try and find the proper forum to post my message, in order to have a Malwarebytes helper or expert help me, as you both suggested.



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