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Well done MBAM!...

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A friend of mine who teaches computing at a local school was telling me that one of her school PCs was giving definite signs of malware infestation. Their AV could identify some but was unable to clear them. I recommended she tried MBAM. She did this morning and called me to thank me for the advice. MBAM was freezing half-way through the scan so she tried running it in safe mode. MBAM did not freeze then and found over 80 badies which it promptly cleared...

She was ever so excited, happy and thankful. She said she'll install MBAM free on all the PCs in her school (amazing the amount of crap school PCs collect from whatever sites kids get into under cover...)

So, I keep the 'thanks to me' and I pass on the 'thanks to MBAM' to the forum, product and developers...

Keep up the good work


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you should have her also run in normal mode now, as you may see that it may find more infections that it could not detect while in safe mode.

Also, the free version is for personal use, and I am sure one of the experts can explain that to you, by installing it on all computers in a school environment probably violates the terms of use. I think you would need a corporate edition, they may have a school edition too, but I don't know for sure since I am not on the staff with MBAM.

Glad that it helped clean the computer however.

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you should have her also run in normal mode now, as you may see that it may find more infections that it could not detect while in safe mode.

Also, the free version is for personal use, and I am sure one of the experts can explain that to you, by installing it on all computers in a school environment probably violates the terms of use. I think you would need a corporate edition, they may have a school edition too, but I don't know for sure since I am not on the staff with MBAM.

Glad that it helped clean the computer however.

Hi Firefox!...

Are you flying or browsing these days?... :)

I did ask my friend to scan again in normal mode. Nothing more was found. Neither by her AV nor by a-squared free that I also asked her to try... She was over the moon about it. Fell in love with MBAM at first sight!...

Regarding licenses etc, she explained that the PCs she talks about are the ones used by the teachers to prepare lessons, presentations etc, about half a dozen in total. The classroom PCs that the kids are using are all protected by 'Deepfreeze' with which the hard disk image is restored upon start up. They wouldn't survive any other way!...

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