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Scan fails if folder's name has # in it

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Tried it with both full scan and the context menu scan. If a folder's name has a # (number sign) anywhere in it, then Malwarebytes fails to scan anything inside. When using the scan from the context menu on one such folder, the log says "objects scanned: 1" even if the folder contains hundred of files and subdirectories, problem is solved when I remove the # from the name. It also works fine occur if I go inside the folder and scan the files one by one.

Damn flash player uses a folder named #SharedObjects (inside C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player) to store LSOs (Local Shared Objects), as if those weren't bad enough I found tons of malware inside that weren't remove during my last full scan.

I'm running Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware v1.43 and Windows Server 2008 SP2 x64.

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I am sure one of the experts will jump in here, but I dont think that Malwarebytes will work right on a Server OS.

I was able to reproduce the issue using Malwarebytes v1.44 on a fresh installation of Windows XP x64 SP2 on a different machine, but not on Windows XP x86 SP3, so I guess it's 64-bit related.

In any case, Server 2008/Vista share the same code base, they just come with different default configurations, tweaks and extra features. Functionality is identical, unless a program is designed to check the OS version, anything that works on Vista should also work on Server 2008, same goes for XP/Server 2003 and 7/Server 2008 R2.

We will look into the issue shortly.

Huge thanks, let me know if I can help in any way.

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