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New User of MalwareBytes, Extremely Pleased


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My internet didn't work, everything was infected, regedit, system restore, all of it. All of last night I spent downloading AVG and Avast! and Spybot on one computer and transferring it to the other, hoping to get it to work. Running it in safe mode, then safe mode with networking. Running countless scans to see if I could fix the problem. I finally got Avast! to work, but it didn't fix it. Same with Spybot, but I wasn't expecting much. I had Worm.Win32.Netsky and Internet Security 2010 ruining everything. Tried everything. Wasn't sure about malwarebytes...I tried SpywareDoctor and it ran super slow and never fixed anything. But after I saw 2 different posts on two sites with step by step instructions on using MalwareBytes I figure it must do some good.

AND IT FIXED IT ALL!! :welcome:

I followed the steps and it took only 2 minutes to download, transfer, then install malwarebytes to my other computer, and scanning only took about 20. Rebooted, and it cleaned everything.

Thank you so much malwarebytes!! And to your wonderful customer service! I never even needed to contact you! Best program I've used so far, and I've used a lot, believe me.

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Welcome to the forum -

We are very happy that we could help - Now can you make sure you Update the program as often as you can - Sometimes there are 3 or more updates in one day, so keep it updated incase of another infection - I hit update every morning just to be sure I do not miss any -

Thank You - :welcome:

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I am also a new user of malwarebytes and it worked for me too. I had something that was saying that my computer was infected and also re-directing my google searches. My antivirus could not get rid of it and neither could ad-aware. I downloaded malwarebytes on a different computer and put it on my computer. At first it would not run but then I found out in the forums how to re-name the mbam.exe which made the program run. I ran the update and then did a full scan. After that all the infection was completely gone. I was amazed that a free malware removing program was far better than the antivirus program I had paid good money for.

Thankyou for a totally brilliant program. I do not know what I would have done without it.

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