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is the file Leaktest.exe malware?

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is anyone familiar with this program? I downloaded it and just used it on my computer for a brief moment. didn't have any problems with it but the only problem I am having now is with things like connection speeds. uploaded that file to some of the online scanners and it came up as either malware or virus from 2 out of three. Jotti didn't come up as anything but the other two did. so I am wondering is if this is malware why was it not detected by the antivirus program I have on here when it said on the sites for that same program that it was detected as malware.

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that is where I uploaded it. there and Jotti as well as Virscan. Jotti detected nothing within that file. and the other two detected it as dialers and trojans etc. that file is something that just tests your firewalls security. but my question is more or less aimed as to why it was detected as malware or is it because of what it does.

this is virus totals findings of that file.


Jotti's findings.


and Virscans finding


information on that file http://www.grc.com/lt/leaktest.htm

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  • Root Admin

Quite possibly. Often programs are detected as Malware based on what they do or are more commonly known to do. There are programs that are often marked as Malware because even though they may be used for good purposes most of the time, there are times when that same program is used for improper operations.

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LeakTest is from Steve Gibson of Gibson Research Corporation and is a firewall tester

Introducing LeakTest

This site has been most well-known for its FREE ShieldsUP! Internet security test. Crucial as it is to protect yourself from malicious hackers outside, those bad guys represent only half of the threat. The Internet has proven to be an extremely fertile transportation medium for all manner of nasty Trojan horse programs, rapidly proliferating viruses, and privacy invading commercial spyware. As a result, it is no longer true that all of the potential problems reside outside the computer.

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thats what I thought but I wasn't real sure. the program didn't seem to do anything to the machine as far as the operation of it or anything it just lets you know if the test went through or not. differences with my connection came when I did an experiment in creating an inbound firewall rule for port 1434 it wasn't for very long just wanted to test something within it and deleted that rule afterwards. lol

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