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How to remove memory from pc and fix start on button

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Can someone please tell me how to fix the start on button my CPU, when I push the start on button on my CPU to strt the PC, the light is dead and I don't know how to fix it. Where can I buy the part for the start on button for my CPU, it's HP, Windows Vista.

My Laptop was infected by trojans, malware, adware, spyware and many viruses. I have malware, superantispyware and

McCafee anti virus and malware and spyware software in the laptop. But none of them are working.

I can't use my laptop and out of fear that someone hacked my pc and steal all the informations in the laptop

I have drowned and killed these viruses by putting my laptop to a bathtub filled with water overnight.

Did I kill the virus and can you remove the memory by soaking the laptop with water?

I want to give the laptop, it's ACER to recycling center and I want to know if someone can still access

my information in the laptop after soaking it with water.

Your help is greatly needed.

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As far as your power on button on the HP.

When you push the button, does the computer turn on, just not the light around the switch? Or does it not turn on at all. If it does not turn on at all then it is the power supply that went out and it will have to be replaced. You can get parts directly from HP or you can check a local computer shop in town, they probably have spare parts.

As for the laptop and socking it in water. (LOL). If I were to take your laptop and say take it apart, and let it dry out. Then plug in your hard drive to an external device, I may still be able to access your data. You can use software to erase the data to government standards where the data could not be recovered, or you have to take the hard drive and take a sledge hammer and break it to a thousand pieces, that way you cant get the data back.

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My Laptop was infected by trojans, malware, adware, spyware and many viruses. I have malware, superantispyware and

McCafee anti virus and malware and spyware software in the laptop. But none of them are working.

I can't use my laptop and out of fear that someone hacked my pc and steal all the informations in the laptop

I have drowned and killed these viruses by putting my laptop to a bathtub filled with water overnight.

Did I kill the virus and can you remove the memory by soaking the laptop with water?

I want to give the laptop, it's ACER to recycling center and I want to know if someone can still access

my information in the laptop after soaking it with water.

Your help is greatly needed.

Well, that was a rather drastic action to ...silence your laptop. I hope you don't employ the same tactics with people!... LOL

You could have taken the hard disk out and have it replaced by a new one. It wouldn't cost that much ($50 ?).

As for the old disk, you could have either permanently keep it in your aquarium (good experience for the goldfish...) or throw it in the river over a bridge

(after you tied a heavy stone to it). Or better still throw it in the sea as salt water would definitely knock the puff out of it for good.

There is always the option of course to bury it in your back garden for a truly 'dead and buried' solution.

A big problem how one can effectively dispose of an infected body but a good challenge to one's imagination.

Let's see what more alternatives other forum friends come up with!...

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