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Problems running malwarebytesAM

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HI there,

I am pretty sure I have some anti malware on my pc - I have an antimalware and antimalware support icons on my desktop and am getting the virus warnings like viruschin09.win, rootkit.win32.agent.dp etc.

I tried to do a system restore and can't.

I tried to load the Malarebytes AM Software and couldn't. I renamed it, and it seemed to be ok. I clicked on it on my desktop, and it seemed like it was going to work, (it asked the language etc) But it didn't run automatically. It didn't run when I clicked it either. I went to the hidden devices, but couldn't find the TDSSserv.sys at all. Any ideas what I can do now?

I'm not all that computer savy...so i need all the help I can get.

Thanks in advance

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Hi Rosie,

Please have a look at some of the procedures below for getting Malwarebutes to run. If you do get Malwarebytes to run, please make sure that you update it to the latest database before running a Quick Scan.

  1. MBAM will not install - Code 2 error, mbam.exe not found
  2. Windows Police Pro - MBAM will not install
  3. SystemSecurity - MBAM won't run
  4. Total-Security (FakeAlert) - MBAM won't run
  5. av360 (Fakealert) - MBAM won't run
  6. MBAM wont install or will not run.(CLB Rootkit-WinNT.Alureon) - TDSS/Seneka/GAOPDX/UAC/ovfst/kungsf/SKYNET/MSIVX/hjgrui/wzszx

Then please follow the instructions here.

When you have made your new topic an expert will personally guide you through the removal process.

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Hi Rosie,

The TDSSserv.sys driver is part of an infection known as a 'rootkit'. You will probably need expert guided help to remove it properly.

The experts do not work on malware in the general forums, so please follow the instructions here and a malware expert will help you as soon as possible.

As marktreg stated, you will have to follow those instructions he gave you by following the link. Please be patient though cause they are quite busy there.

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Well for sure you have some malware that is blocking or closing MBAM from running. Follow these steps:

We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums.

Please print out, read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someon has replied to your post.

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

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