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Click Ignore list and then get a freeze...

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{2} "Scan completed" window appears.

{3} Click "Show results"

{4} Click "Ignore" The displayed item disappears, But, the Malwarebytes tabs will not work, they are froze.

{5} Click "Main Menu" Button and I get a warning window "Are you sure you want to abort scan?" ...It is froze here unless I click "Yes".

{6} Click "Yes" and then I can get the Main Menu and tabs, But, there is no entry in the Ignore tab and I keep getting that "Hijack Display Properties, etc" on the next scan.

I have a Intel i7 with Windows 7-64 bit and Malwarebytes version 1.42.

Can you help me?

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I get exactly the same thing happening and in the same order as you do, rfharbin.

Exile's suggested sequence also works for me.

The warning message "Are you sure you want to abort the scan?" is a bit odd given that the message appears after the scan has finished and I agree that it does appear frozen.

Another odd thing is that if I click on "no" when that message box appears it closes and I'm left with the main MBAM screen which I can't then close. However I try closing down MBAM that message box re-appears.

I HAVE to click on "yes" when that message (re)appears in order to close MBAM's main screen.

Anybody else experiencing this?

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Ah, I see what you're saying, sorry about that. Highlight the detected item by clicking on it once then click the Ignore button at the bottom, then click on Remove Selected. That should do it ;) .

That is what I did. I am sure, after reading the post over again that I am doing it the same as if you were here doing it for me.

Is it possible that I have found a bug or have a corrupted Malwarebytes program?

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That is what I did. I am sure, after reading the post over again that I am doing it the same as if you were here doing it for me.

Is it possible that I have found a bug or have a corrupted Malwarebytes program?

It's quite possible that there is a glitch with your version, but just for thoroughness I'll outline the steps again, a bit more legibly this time ;) :

  • Upon completion of the scan click the Hijack.DisplayProperties entry once with your mouse to highlight it
  • Click the Ignore button at the bottom of the program (not the tab at the top)
  • Click the Remove Selected button at the bottom
  • Click Ok to the prompt
  • Click the Main Menu button at the bottom

If that doesn't do it then it's possibly an issue with MBAM not running with the appropriate privelages. Do you have User Account Control turned on and are you logged in as a system Administrator? If not, then either of these factors could likely cause this problem.

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Thank you very much. That was it.

I am using Windows 7-64 bit in the default mode of User Account Control, I am sure most people will use Win 7 this way.

I exited malwarebytes and went to the start menu and right-clicked on the shortcut to start Malwarebytes "Run as Administrator" and now have the entry in my "Ignore Lists" tab.

I use a standard user account normally as recommended by all the experts. I do not expect to have to ignore many Malwarebytes items found so will remember the extra steps if necessary but if you know a way get Malwarebytes to run as administrator normally I sure would appreciate the information.

again thanks. ;)

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You're very welcome ;)

To have Malwarebytes' always run as administrator you can right-click the shortcut in your Start menu or on your desktop (if one exists there) and select Properties. Once there, click on the Compatibility tab and click the check box next to Run this program as an administrator under Privelage Level. Now, whenever MBAM is started it will run in administrator mode and you should receive a prompt from UAC. Also note that MBAM also requires administrative privelages to update manually. With the paid version, the scheduled updater runs with administrative privelages by default so no additional steps are necessary for it.

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Yes there is and now I have it pinned to the start menu. Sorry for the confusion. Just old and tired I guess.

Edit...(Need coffee this morning) Would that short cut put it into Administrative mode if I have it set to start when windows starts? There is no shortcut in the startup folder so Malwarebytes must be starting by a registry entry or something. At least that is what I was thinking.

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With the paid version (I'm assuming you're referring to the Protection Module\tray icon starting with Windows) it doesn't actually execute mbam.exe, which is the program you set to run as administrator, it executes mbamservice.exe as a background service which starts with the necessary privelages to have full admin access and it runs the tray application mbamgui.exe with less privelages since they aren't necessary for it because it has the service running which does any admin level work that needs to be done in realtime so altering the privelages for mbam.exe will have no effect on the protection module and it will still start up with no User Account Control prompts ;) .

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