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Tray icon load slowly at startup & UAC when open the software

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My PC runs on Windows 7 32 bit version.

The more important question first.

In startup, I found mbamgui.exe running in Task Manager. However, the M icon does not load in tray. It takes about 1-2 extra minutes to load it.

This is not just an icon problem, but I found no protection during this "waiting period".

I test it by opening a program which is deemed to be malware and there is no warning. However, when the icon is loaded and I test it again, there is warning.

Another smaller problem is the UAC popup each time I open the software manually (not in startup). Why I dont encounter any UAC popup in software like other anti-virus apps and firewalls? Although this is minor, I hope this is resolved in next version :)


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Greetings :)

  1. Malwarebytes' is deliberately delayed to avoid potential conflicts with the startup of your antivirus program. If you do the following you can make it startup more quickly, just make sure that there are no conflicts with your antivirus:

    • Click on the
      Start Orb
      and type
      and press

    • Click
      at the User Account Control prompt

    • Once the Services window opens, scroll down the list until you find the
      and double click on it

    • Click the drop down menu next to
      Startup Type
      and select
      instead of
      Automatic (Delayed Start)

    • Click the
      button and click on

    • Close the Services control panel

    • Restart your computer

[*]There is no UAC pop up because the tray icon does not need administrative privelages to run. The service (MBAMService.exe) does have admin privelages but since it loads as a service, it bypasses UAC :) . Many security softwares do this now so that the user is not met by UAC prompts when booting up. This is the same way that my antivirus works.

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1. Work like a charm! Thanks.

2. Double-clicking the tray icon does give a UAC popup. This is the same when I run mbam.exe directly.

But loading the mbamservice and tray icon itself do not require UAC.

Can there be no UAC just for mbam? (May be next version)

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You're welcome ;)

MBAM (the scanner) requires a UAC prompt because it actually runs independantly of the service and tray icon (it's the same as with the free version of Malwarebytes' which doesn't install a service or tray icon). A UAC prompt needs to happen so that it can have admin level access for downloading updates, scanning certain protected locations, such as the registry and system folders, as well as being able to delete malicious files and registry entries that might be detected during a scan. Unfortunately I don't see this changing any time soon because it would require a service to be running at all times, even when only the free version of Malwarebytes' is installed, for mbam.exe (the scanner) to function properly, which is what some other vendors do, but it hurts performance and I see no point in it personally.

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post-24694-1260295068_thumb.jpgHowever, after Malwarebytes finds something, and you restart, every time you restart, the UAC comes up. I have Win 7 Pro x64. That happened with the previous version, but I read that with 1.42 that would no longer happen (see attachment). I still have the fix file for it, the one I used for 1.41. Should I run it with 1.42? :(
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sorry for just randomly popping in here, but, I noticed that sometimes my Mbam loads up before my AV. At least, sometimes I see the Mbam icon before I see my AV icon in the taskbar.

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This should not still be happening. Please follow the instructions in #7 of the FAQ located here and see if it is now corrected.

Please let me know how it goes, because if the UAC prompt still comes up I'll need to get the developers to take a look.

Thanks :(

Hi....Sorry, but how does the FAQ #7 apply to my problem? I just did a fresh install of my OS, installed Malwarebytes 1.41, updated it today to 1.42 and ran it. It found: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoActiveDesktopChanges (Hijack.DisplayProperties) -> Bad: (1) Good: (0)

So I Quarantined and Deleted it (it's still in Quarantine....Is it a FP?), and when I restarted my computer, the UAC for Malwarebytes popped up like it did with 1.41. :(

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UAC should prompt you after the first reboot to complete the removal process. If the UAC prompt returns after the next reboot follow my instructions as it will insure that all components of 1.41 are removed and cleanly replaced by 1.42 (hence the reason I suggested it as a solution :( ).

As for the Hijack.DisplayProperties entry, it is set the opposite by default in Windows Vista and Windows 7 from what it is in XP. This particular detection therefore can safely be restored and then Ignored in a subsequent scan. However, I'd recommend you leave it where it is for the time being to test the UAC prompt issue as I recommended above.

Thanks :(

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