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Thats okay. I used your first one, and I already downloaded it, I hope that was okay/safe.

Anyway, the quicker scan showed only temps really, so I did a deep scan and its nearly done...

I hope I don't screw up my comptuer or anything by doing this... ahhh.

Thank you again, you are a lifesaver.

This will teach me to do things when I am kind of tired...

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Maybe I'll try that second idea you have, because the scanning of the iPod brought up a lot of files I don't recognize, but are related to the iPod, and I am not all sure what I am supposed to be recovering really.

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Okay, one more thing to bug ya with regarding this...

re-did a deep scan on the iPod, some of the files were deleted in 2007 or earlier, so I don't need to worry about those files (I should have paid attention to the date the first time, lol).

I found a whole list of things that looks to be pretty much what I deleted tonight. I am not sure if I should recover it ALL or just the songs with actual names.

If you know the answer, awesome, if not, that's okay too.

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Thank you ;)

I though that that was what I should do, but since I already royally screwed up something tonight I wanted second pair of eyes.

woohoo all is not lost!!!

::sends you a virtual Sonic Java Chiller drink::

Edit: I restored EVERYTHING to a folder I named "music" on the Desktop. So my music is back ;) ;) However, I have no idea what to do with it all, since there are a lot of DB files as well. Do you think I should leave the computer alone until I can get to it tomorrow and restore all of the files to the iPod itself as well? Recuva recommend restoring to another drive/location (just in case I guess), so that's why I restored to a music folder.

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Oh yeah, after I recover it to my iPod as well, I am going right to bed, and I'll fiddle with everything else later.

Yes, sleep is quite necessary ;)

You should try to get sleep more often too ;)

Thanks again for all of your help with this. If not for you helping me out I think I would have been totally screwed. I wish that there was something I could do for you in return.

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;) Thanks, I will.

Yes, but I went and did my own thing after following your instructions, so it would not have been your fault. I was trying something that could have worked but I was NOT being careful/paying attention and making sure I was using a copy and then I deleted the files from the recycle bin to top it off which was really daft. lol.

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Dragged music files from Music folder into Music in the iTunes interface, and am now dragging music into my music folder on my iPod.

All is well now with my iPod, and I can't thank Exile360 enough for helping me to recover my music after I made a foolish move and tried something out without using a copy of my music and then deleted the originals.

Edit: I am having to drag SOME files from the music folder to the iPod, otherwise a couple songs when clicked on were playing a totally different song.

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