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False Positive Report

Go to solution Solved by BjelakovicL,

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Please forgive the wording of this post as I have had to change is multiple times because the forum thinks this is spam. 

The MB application for a log file is blank.  I had an image but removed it to get around your spam filter.  Really.

The website being blocked is universily.com, including all subdomains.   I provided lots more details in earlier posts, but alas, they did not get past the spam filter.  Please help!





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There are no ads in the application and the user data is tightly guarded and not sold.  If you can tell us why MB thinks the site is malicious we will update the code or structure so other security software does not also block it.   Any help is greatly appreciated as this is impacting our customers.

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1 minute ago, Porthos said:

This is a browser guard exclusive Heuristic block. I have moved your post to the correct section so the Browser Guard team can address it.


Thank you very much!   I first put the post there, but the forum thought I was a spam bot and blocked me.  (kinda ironic considering the algorithm also thinks our application is malicious).  Thank you very much Porthos for routing this!

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