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Pro-active false positive report


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Remote Utilities 7.2.10 has just been released. Because we know that modern antivirus software are totally ignorant to any EV Code signing certificates and that they immediately flag as malicious just about any new file they get their hands on, I'm sending this message. Please, have your virus analysts review the new version files, namely rutserv.exe and rfusclient.exe and leave them alone. Consider that I'm writing this message pro-actively from the future.

File hashes (you can find the detections on VirusTotal):



Thank you very much.

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Just as I predicted, Malwarebytes started to falsely detect our newly released version (with newly released EV Code Signing signature) as dangerous.


This is the installer file of the Remote Utilities Host module . The file can be downloaded from here:



Please, remove the detection. Thank you.

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