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Please Remove Personal Portfolio Website From Block List


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I'm writing to request the website hxxp:://elliottrodel.info (and hxxps:://elliottrodel.info) be whitelisted.

I've removed the link from the above in accordance with this post:

This website is a personal portfolio at a domain I own. This issue was previously resolved in 2020 through a support ticket with number #3289835. The domain previously forwarded to a wordpress site, but I'm in the process of re-working the site in Vue.js and the content is now hosted at the domain's address. The website was blocked with reason "Website blocked due to a suspicious top level domain (TLD). Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this website because it may contain scam activity" a screenshot of the block message is attached below.



The site is non-malicious, and I'm happy to provide any additional details the team may require.

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10 minutes ago, ElliottR said:

Website blocked due to a suspicious top level domain (TLD). Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this website because it may contain scam activity" a screenshot of the block message is attached below.

TLD blocks are only shown when users enable the following NON-DEFAULT setting in Browser Guard.  These will not receive any whitelisting. Users need to turn off that setting.



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Thanks for your reply, however I still require support from a member of Malwarebytes staff as this TLD (.info) is not in the list of blocked TLD according to this forum post:

This website is required for job-seeking, so it will be insufficient to request prospective employers to disable a feature of their antivirus.
Has this forum post been erroneously moved to a different section of the forums? I had thought I created it under https://forums.malwarebytes.com/forum/123-website-blocking/
It appears to have been moved to https://forums.malwarebytes.com/forum/253-chrome/ despite the issue occuring on Firefox.

I am still seeking a member of Malwarebytes staff to whitelist this site.

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1 minute ago, ElliottR said:

TLD (.info) is not in the list of blocked TLD according to this forum post:

Old 2017 post.

1 minute ago, ElliottR said:

Has this forum post been erroneously moved to a different section of the forums? I had thought I created it under https://forums.malwarebytes.com/forum/123-website-blocking/

It is a browser guard only block. Browser Guard is available on Firefox, Chrome, Edge, etc



3 minutes ago, ElliottR said:

This website is required for job-seeking, so it will be insufficient to request prospective employers to disable a feature of their antivirus.

5 minutes ago, ElliottR said:

It appears to have been moved to https://forums.malwarebytes.com/forum/253-chrome/ despite the issue occuring on Firefox.

Browser Guard is not an antivirus and the default install of the extension does not block your site.


I moved it to the most used Browser Guard section which happens to be Chrome.

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1 minute ago, Porthos said:

Old 2017 post.

This post is pinned, so I don't think it's an errenous assumption. If you can point me to updated on blanket blocked guidance on blocked TLDs, please do so.

1 minute ago, Porthos said:

Browser Guard is not an antivirus and the default install of the extension does not block your site.

I'm accutely aware that Browser Guard is not itself an antivirus, but is an extension delivered with a widely-used antivirus, the point was users should not have to toggle an option to see the site.

The screenshot you posted does not have parity with the Firefox version of the extension which looks like this:

This is the default installation, and provides this blocking behaviour on a non-malicious site.

Please can a member of staff whitelist the domain from the original post in this thread.

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1 minute ago, ElliottR said:

The screenshot you posted does not have parity with the Firefox version of the extension which looks like this:

Scroll down. This IS the Firefox version default.


I am sorry if you do not like my answer. It is the STAFF position I am relaying to you.

I have enclosed your position up the chain for review

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3 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Scroll down. This IS the Firefox version default.

The screenshot you have attached here looks like the chrome version of browser-guard.
I also have this installed, it looks like this:

If you review the screenshot I attached again you'll see the scroll-bar is at the bottom of the scrollable component.

3 minutes ago, Porthos said:

I am sorry if you do not like my answer. It is the STAFF position I am relaying to you.

If the intended behaviour of browser guard is that it does not block this domain by default as you have stated above, then this represents an issue with the Firefox version of the addon, and is now an issue with parity.

I again request that a member of staff reviews and whitelists the site so it works accross all browsers, or implement the same toggles and default behaviours present in Chrome.

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2 minutes ago, Dashke said:

Hello, ElliottR,

I am not experiencing this problem on my end. Can you please remove the extension and install the latest version and see if the issue persists?

Hi Dashke,

Thanks for your response, removing the extension and installing the latest version has indeed removed the issue.

That said, I think it's something of an unrealistic expectation for end users to be running latest, so those on a legacy version of browser guard may be still be affected.
Would whitelisting the domain be a fix for older versions of the Browser Guard extension?

In addition, please can you provide guidance on what TLDs are flagged as suspicious by default?


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